This is cool but they still frustrate me.

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I have had painted finches for the past 5 or 6 years and they have always proved to be a bit of an enigma. Sometimes I get 3 at the most from a clutch but most times they come out so underdone they barely survive. Other times they near come out naked, only one but survive, they camp on the floor but still make it. I decided to clear most of my painteds and stars as well as my hen goulds and start afresh. Maybe add Saints or Orange Breasts. Anyhow to cut a long story short my mate couldn't take these birds and had to hold off for a month or so. The goulds are rearing to go to an extent that one pair, RHPBGB male and BHPBGB female have gone down in the tea tree in an old stars nest.. Any how today was clearing time, but late yesterday arvo when doing the lawns there it was, baby painted, near on fully feathered sitting low down. Not a worry, just get rid of the gould hens and a few stars but couldn't even think of taking the painteds because the whole colony of 10 or so were so distressed when I caught it up and placed it in a small carry cage they literally swamped the cage from its distress calls. Thought if I took out a couple of pairs no doubt , knowing my luck they would be the chicks parents. (I know, I should have rung them!) To cut a long story short, culled the goulds and stars, mate is happy, 5 free hen goulds and 2 pair of stars. But here is the the classic. Let the chick out and it was like a big fat Greek Wedding, the entire 10 or so came and searched and fed the little bugger. They will not leave its side, just walked down on sunset and there is 3 or 4 huddled on the deck with the chick. How cool is that!

Anyone had similar experiences

Anyhow off tomorrow to buy 5 pairs of goulds. I take the hens, mate takes the cocks.

Boxes in next week.

Saints and Orange Breasts? Not so sure.

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That's always the way it happens when you wont to get rid of some thing but to be honest,i think you had too many painteds to start with.With that many painteds there is too much jossling and fighting for mating rights.Hen comes of the nest,a different male does his song and dance only to bashed by another male during or before the mating act.
When i bred painteds the young always stayed on the floor for a few days before they reached the upper perches. Craig
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