What is wrong with my Gouldian?

Is your finch sick or not well? Find out why.
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I've been breeding Gouldians for a couple of years in a large outdoor aviary. One of my hens was balding a bit, but she was also breeding and laying eggs so I thought it was an overenthusiastic male. As she was brooding I barely saw her as I only do nest inspections around the day I expect them to hatch.

The hen has a massive lump on her head and is very bald on one side. The lump is pulling up her eyelid a bit as well. What's wrong with her? And more importantly how can I treat her! Unfortunately I don't have access to a quality avian vet.

With kind regards,

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Looks like scaley mites to me.
The feather lose is quite common in breeding gouldians but it looks the mites have taken advantage of it.
Moxidecton or s76 or any of the ivermecton family should stop them.
Use as a spoton with one drop on the back of the neck and one drop on bare skin under the wing the pits. You can also Moxidecton to the water at 6ml/ltr.
The other thing which is important, clean or replace all perches and spray the complete aviary with coopex.
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