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Re: Exotic Pheasant Breeds

Posted: 23 Nov 2012, 12:12
by Danny
Bit risky. No safety doors.

Re: Exotic Pheasant Breeds

Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 13:18
by toothlessjaws
on the roul-roul's, i have been very keen to try and establish whether this species has any hope in australia for some time. on the pheasant and Australian Poultry Forum some time back i was told that someone still had a number (from memory something like 8).

i sincerely hope that there is someone can pull this species from the brink, as they are really one of the most spectacular exotic birds we have in the country (excluding parrots of course, which don't interest me!)

however i was very happy to discover that due to some very serious effort Siamese Firebacks seem to be on the increase again.

its such a shame that the Zoo & Aquarium Association member zoos haven't been more supportive of the avicultural community rather than just operate as consumers of it. Zoos, whilst not necessarily having greater knowledge or skill than experienced private aviculturalists, do often have greater resources available to them. sadly however, they seem to devote little energy to aviculture (much to the disappointment of the avaicultural department i'm sure) and i can think of very few, if any exotic birds they have played a major role in preserving in the country (possibly Taronga has made a significant contribution to the nicobar pigeon population?)...

Re: Exotic Pheasant Breeds

Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 13:32
by Tintola
To my knowledge there is only one male Roul roul left in Australia. Also known as the Malaysian Crested Partridge. A couple of years ago there were about 6 or 8 left but cold climate, bad management and lack of genetic diversity soon put an end to that situation.

As far as the zoos go, Aviculture is not a money spinner or crowd magnet, so the powers that be have but a minimal interest in the conservation of any birds especially non natives. Bring on the pandas and white tigers! :cry: But then that is another controversial issue to be dealt with elsewhere.

Re: Exotic Pheasant Breeds

Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 14:10
by Myzomela
Right on the money Tint, on both counts!

Re: Exotic Pheasant Breeds

Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 16:54
by TomDeGraaff
Roul rouls would be a nice zoo addition. Eggs thru Torrens Is. Maybe someone who knows someone in the zoo system could plant the idea. If they are still in the country, then that should make it easier...

Re: Exotic Pheasant Breeds

Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 18:14
by casehulsebosch
As far as the zoos go, Aviculture is not a money spinner or crowd magnet, so the powers that be have but a minimal interest in the conservation of any birds especially non natives.

Some of the - even larger - zoos have enough problems keeping their head above water as it is.

Cheers, Case

Re: Exotic Pheasant Breeds

Posted: 07 Jan 2013, 10:06
by toothlessjaws
tintola - ah, think i'm following you know - there is only one roul roul left in australia, and it happens to be male. as opposed to there are x number of roul roul left but only one of them is male.

Re: Exotic Pheasant Breeds

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 22:41
by toothlessjaws
I am assuming this was fake. for $600, no negotiating would have been necessary!


Have a beautiful pair of crested wood partridges for sale. They are 2 years old and have had some magnificent chicks.

Asking $600 nego the pair" ... 1057968085

Re: Exotic Pheasant Breeds

Posted: 30 Sep 2014, 07:48
by GregH
What a pity it was sold before I got to it. Yes reeks of scam!

Re: Exotic Pheasant Breeds

Posted: 30 Sep 2014, 10:50
by finchbreeder
If only it was not a scam. We can all dream. Pity that Zoos do not have Pheasants on the import list, as these are pretty enough to attract the public. And not as hard to reproduce as some of the bigger mamals.