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Tri Colour master builder?

Posted: 11 Nov 2012, 09:18
by Zeddy
Hey guys I am new to the TCPF and my male seems to be in the mood. He has been chasing the hen non stop and has been starting to build a nest or three :wtf:.
Now he spent a good few days on the first nest(right hand one in pic) then over the last few days he has been building up the middle nest....
Now I thought the hen might have deemed his first effort not suitable for kids :lol: but this morning I see that the first nest has been built up some more.

I have no idea is he building both nests and lets the hen choose or is he bored and tired of tag and just building for the hell of it and using all the old millet stalks I give them to good use.



Re: Tri Colour master builder?

Posted: 11 Nov 2012, 09:33
by Zeddy
Well just went out to have a look and now he was in the left hand nest and building it up and just sat there and looked at me as I can only sit there and shake my head. I swear this guy is building these nests for the RFPF in return for them not to east all the green food mabye?

I have no idea lol

Edit here he is after the "tri colour switch" he pulled on me(left hand nest) :think:

Re: Tri Colour master builder?

Posted: 11 Nov 2012, 10:27
by elferoz777
I found that with mine they first hid in a nest box as they were quite timid and I had certain other species of finch harass them....

What exactly are you keeping them with??

Mine ever only built one nest for breeding.

I had my first this year but eggs were clear and currently have eggs in nest no 2....

Good luck with them

Re: Tri Colour master builder?

Posted: 11 Nov 2012, 10:50
by Zeddy
I have 2 pair RFPF, 2 pairs of stars and 1 painted pair.
They dont really get pushed around that much more so from a cocky star but it doesnt happen often and only seems to happen when the food comes out(greens and millets)
I dunno I will see how it goes there is no rush for them to breed as I really just like to watch the avairy and its a hobby at most :lol:

Re: Tri Colour master builder?

Posted: 11 Nov 2012, 10:52
by elferoz777
hmmm seems like you have a good placid mix there then...

Hopefully they settle in one soon

Re: Tri Colour master builder?

Posted: 11 Nov 2012, 11:47
by Zeddy
Also just saw him bringing up some feathers into that new nest so thats a first time I have seen him do that so it could be a good sign.
Do the hens help alot with making the nest? She seems pretty lazy at the moment not helping a great deal

Re: Tri Colour master builder?

Posted: 11 Nov 2012, 14:35
by elferoz777
Couldnt tell you as when I am around they spend more time hiding.

All I noticed was an empty bush then a football sized nest built almost entirely out of emu feathers.

the next nest was in a half open box jam packed with feathers and sticks

Re: Tri Colour master builder?

Posted: 11 Nov 2012, 22:24
by TomDeGraaff
I wonder if there should be concern about the tris and the redfaced crossing. Anyone comment please.

Re: Tri Colour master builder?

Posted: 12 Nov 2012, 09:13
by Zeddy
I sit there for a bit and watch and to be honest the RFPF and tris mostly ignore each other. The reds fly in a group and often go to ground, feed and bath as a group. The tri's are like the painteds and keep to their bonded pair and stay out of it a lot of the time, the only time the interact is when food comes out and the cock bird chases the stars and greedy reds from the food they all pair off in different places to sleep aswell so I have not seen any signs that they are mixing, there is a very cool relationship to say the least

Re: Tri Colour master builder?

Posted: 12 Nov 2012, 09:14
by ruthieharris
Hi , Im in the same boat with mine . He went mad building gorgeous nest , shes been in there checking it out but thats about it . Hes been filling up a boxed nest too. Shes a bit younger than him so hoping maybe this season she might be ready but as you know the male is very readfy and chases her alot she stands her ground but still likes to hang around with him . Heres his masterpiece. Like you not a breeder breeder just love the birds i have and if they breed its a beautiful bonus :thumbup: Good luck hope you get some babies they are a beautiful bird . I used to have RFPF with mine and they showed no interest in breeding at all think its the BF that you have to watch more .Enjoy your birds :thumbup: