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What is Beech, as referred to by Russell Kingston?

Posted: 20 May 2013, 07:23
by claudicles
In "The Finch A breeders companion" in the lists of green foods Russell Kingston recommends he lists beech. The rest of the greens are leafy annuals and the only beech I can find is the tree, members of the Fagus genus. These leaves are pretty tough I would think so I don't imagine he means this. Does any one know what he does mean? Is there a weed in Queensland commonly referred to ask beech?

Re: What is Beech, as referred to by Russell Kingston?

Posted: 20 May 2013, 08:11
by Tiaris
Beech is also called Fat Hen (I call it that anyway). It is a useful winter green weed. Has tiny yellow flowers & typical dicot leaves.

Re: What is Beech, as referred to by Russell Kingston?

Posted: 20 May 2013, 18:11
by claudicles
Thanks Tiaris. I know that stuff. I had it rampant in the grden this year. Never knew what to call it though.