Budgies have been effected - but have finches?

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Location: Midwest of West.Aust.Coast

Putting this out there just in case someone has a mystery to solve. May not be of concern to us - but better safe than sorry.
Particularly with the mouse plague on the west coast at the moment.


Good morning all
I have been advised by a few Zones personal of a " Mystery Disease" outbreak in NSW and Queensland.
This seems to be emulating from Don Bourke.
His comment is he has lost a large percentage of his flock of budgerigars.
I am advised the first comments were that the disease or the cause of the birds demise was maybe emulating from seed.
This has been investigated and proved negative without substance.
He has also written a paper on the subject but as it is copy-righted if you wish to read it you will have to approach him.
But I have been reliably informed he has distributed widely.
I have not been informed by any Zones of mass deaths of Budgerigars in aviaries around Australia.
As I talk to lots and lots of people around Australia if this was happening I would have heard.
Anyway I would advise everyone to just be alert and to increase their aviary sanitation for a movement to a safer disease free situation.
As the National Competition is rapidly approaching we need to remain vigilant in all aspects of fit healthy Budgerigars.
Leigh Downey.


Hi Members,
Major Disease Outbreak in Budgerigars Solved.
I am confident that the Australian Heritage Budgerigar Association's team has solved the disease outbreak. It began in the Brisbane area in May 2021 in modern exhibition budgerigars in several aviaries, and arrived in Sydney eight months later, in January 2022. The carrier was seed contaminated with rat and mouse faeces and urine during the massive rat and mouse plague in 2021.
The disease is a vicious and virulent form of the E. coli bacterium. The cure was discovered by Brisbane veterinarian Dr. Rod Woodhead and confirmed by NSW Government District Vet Dr. Aziz Chowdhury.
Dr. Ron Woodhead developed the cure and treated the initial outbreak with it. After this treatment, the disease disappeared in days and no more deaths were recorded in the following ten months in the original aviaries.
The cure used and recommended by Dr. Woodhead is:
Day 1-14: Doxycycline and Sulfa-t or similar (Sulfadiazine plus trimethoprim) Day 15 to 45: Doxycycline and Avi-lite Electrolyte liquid for poultry.
Electrolytes are essential for budgies that are having or have had diarrhoea. Budgies lose electrolytes during diarrhoea, so they may die from lack of electrolytes later on if not treated. It is essential to keep sick bugies from this outbreak at 34C until they recover, otherwise they will die of the cold.
After just three days of using Dr Ron Woodhead's treatments my birds are rapidly recovering. It is essential to control rats and mice with both baits and traps. All seed must be inspected for mouse droppings: if droppings are present do not feed it to your birds. Please let us know so that we can trace the toxic feed. It appears that the infected seed was an unbranded mix of assorted weedy grains from a farmer in Queensland.
Although this E. coli disease affected modern exhibition budgies in the beginning, it also affects Australian heritage exhibition budgerigars, Bush budgies and pet shop budgies.
I will publish a longer explanation of all of this soon.
Good luck to everyone,
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Shane Gowland
Posts: 1432
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Location: Adelaide

I'm pretty sure E. Coli can affect finches, so it's something we should be looking out for.
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