Saving a Black cheek Zebra Finch

Is your finch sick or not well? Find out why.
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I will try to do some photos, the lighting indoors isn't that great so I'll do my best. I've increased the meds dosage and there has been a small improvement in there appearance. I had been in the aviary trying to catch the sick bird but he is too quick. His eyes are half shut and his beak is pale.with ruffed up plumage.

Its possible that the person who I bought them from had them in all different cages.
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finchbreeder wrote: 02 Jan 2023, 22:52 Can you post pics? I donl;t know that it will help, but it can't hurt.
Are you certain that they were kept in the same enclosure before you got them?
Thanks finchbreeder for your replies.

It would have been nice to get some replies from other people as well but I guess nobody is going to bother I may as well delete my account and get rid of the never ending dying finches. It gets really frustrating after a while having an aviary of finches all constantly itching and losing one a month and not getting to the bottom of it. Everything just seems like a waste of time. Everything I have tried has failed.
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It's a bit hard suggesting remedies that we use here in Australia. What we have you may not and vice versa. You do have an Australian finch society in the UK and they also have a Facebook group that I’m a member of. Best to contact them for local information but there is no need to leave AFF. Pop in every now and then to see what you may learn and to tell if you find any results in the UK.
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I know I’m too late but there are places to get meds in the U.K. I regularly order medications from fabfinches. I always have a good first aid kit that includes spark and guardian angel (my preference is spark). A good probiotic too is always on hand.
I hope that you got through all this and your birds survived.
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