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Species Profile

Posted: 30 Jan 2011, 15:28
by Mickp
Latin Name:
Poephila cincta (IOC 2013-14)

Other names
Parson Finch (refers to the white-rumped southern race), Black Throated Grassfinch, Diggles (refers to black-rumped northern race). "Chocolate" refers to the dark morph of the Black-rumped (aka Diggles) race.

Basic Breeding Info
Average Clutch Size: 5 - 8 eggs
Incubation Period: 13 - 14 days
Leave nest: 21 - 24 days

The head of the cock bird is broader than that of the hen, when viewed from above. The grey colour on the cock's head is a paler silver colour, compared to the hen. The cock birds throat patch is also wider and more triangular than the hen's - he hen's throat patch appears more rounded where it meets the chest colouring.

License Requirements
A license/permit is required to keep these birds in most Australian states/territories. Consult the "Legal Requirements and Legislation" forum for information on your area.

Approximate Cost per pair

South Australia
Black-rumped $60
Chocolate $100
White-rumped $50

Black-rumped $100
White-rumped $100


New South Wales

Western Australia
White-rumped $60
Chocolate $60
Black-rumped $60

