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Posted: 08 Apr 2010, 20:02
by Mickp
Latin Name:
Carduelis carduelis

Other Names:
European Goldfinch

Yellow, Albino, Isabelle (these are European)

Adult – The face is red. The side of the face (behind the eyes) is white, this white colouring continues under the beak, across the top of the breast area. Top of the head is black, this colour continues down over the shoulders of the bird. Belly and rump area are white. Upper body and sides are brown. Wings are black with a distinctive yellow stripe in the centre, the tail is black with white tips
It has a red face, with a black crown and shoulders. The sides of the head are white. The upperparts and flanks are brown, the abdomen and rump are white. The black wings have conspicuous yellow bars and a white trailing edge in flight. The tail is black, tipped with white.
Juveniles – The head colour is brown.

Hope someone can help to fill in this information, as I have no idea.

Basic Breeding Info:
Average Clutch Size:
Incubation Period:
Leave nest:

Approximate cost per pair in Australia:
New South Wales: $30
Victoria: $40
South Australia: $40
Western Australia: