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Red Parrot finch died

Posted: 28 Mar 2011, 20:39
by lyn2233
Hi, I found one of my Red Faced parrot dead not sure what from. I had 2 pairs but not sure if it was a male or female as I can;t tell the difference. Need advice should I buy a female as I don't know what sex the others are. I thought it would be better to have more females than males. What do you guys think?

Re: Red Parrot finch died

Posted: 28 Mar 2011, 20:47
by jusdeb
Sorry to hear about you losing your bird ...Cant help on this one .

Re: Red Parrot finch died

Posted: 28 Mar 2011, 21:07
by bleeding green
Sorry to hear that Lyn. Look at the amount of red behind the eye of your birds. Males will have more. Also, males will have more trill call then a chirp. It might be a good idea to put a differant coloured ring on each bird then just observe. I probably wouldn't go out looking for a replacement now. Just watch them and see what happens.
I currently have 2 hens and 1 male in my aviary and the spare hen seems to stay out of trouble.

Re: Red Parrot finch died

Posted: 29 Mar 2011, 07:12
by Jayburd
sorry Lyn :cry:
If it's a male, it will start trilling a day or so after loss because it can't find it's mate. if it's a hen it will stay silent and in general from my experience, mope.
Female's red extends to the eye, and male's red behind the eye, but this is a very rough way of ID and is often incorrect, but if you find a bird with LOTS of red behind the eye, or very little red in the region of the eye, it's probably safe to bet it's a cock or a hen respectively.

Re: Red Parrot finch died

Posted: 29 Mar 2011, 12:38
by finchbreeder
Very sorry to hear of your loss.

Re: Red Parrot finch died

Posted: 26 Oct 2014, 15:45
by Blue Cuban
Although this is a old post I would like to add that some hens do trill like cocks as well. I know this because I have a hen that does.
