Diamonds, Red feathers plucked.

Is your finch sick or not well? Find out why.
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Now that I have my Licence, I bought 2 pair of Diamond Firetails. Could anyone shed some light as to why their red feathers are all practically plucked away.
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I have no idea Guy,other than they are starving for protein :? Craig
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I have found with my diamonds when they are placed in a stressful environment, such as after a number have been caught out and put in a holding cage, it is very common for one or two of them to go around plucking the rest. They don't target the red but usually the body feathers down each side adjacent to the wing. It's easy to pick the culprits. They are the ones in perfect feather. Given time the feathers grow back, with no further plucking occurring. This plucking has occurred a number of times in my hold cages over the years.

Mine however never target the red rump feathers. Perhaps your new acquired birds are reacting to the stresses they have encountered in a similar way to mine. The feathers should regrow and the plucking stop once they have settled in.

I hope to try stress perches in the holding cages the next time I have a diamond catchout
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Out of 4 birds, 3 are all plucked and 1 half plucked. Done as Craig suggested, today I gave them some maggots and mealworms.
I will keep my eyes open now as I must have had them closed when I bought them. Its been about 20 years since I had my first Diamonds, I must have forgotten what they looked like.
At the weekend I bought 4 more pair, and they are the most beautifull birds with all their red feathers intact. I have got to be lucky sometime.
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