Soaked seed age

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E Orix
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Location: Howlong NSW

Why freeze it, because I use too much. Each day we use at least 1/2 a plastic bucket full.
All I do is fill plastic buckets with seed, cover it with water, 1/2 dsp of Vircon S.
After 4 hrs it is tipped into a plastic bucket with small holes drilled into it.
It is not washed or anything added.
It is drained over night. if it is warm it is put into small containers after 12 hrs if it is cool 18 hrs.
the seed has chitted and the containers are then put in a freezer and will keep for months.
If it has been drained properly when the container is taken from the freezer the seed is quite crumbly.
If it is a frozen ice block it wasn't drained enough.
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Agree David,why make so much work daily when you can do large amounts and freeze when chitted or just soaked. It's still just the same as if made daily, no deterioration no loss of nutritional value.
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Once I sprout mine , I place it in the fridge .
Only two days max but I don’t put no vinegar or multi clean . I’ve done that for 3 years now and I haven’t lost any birds yet . But near in mine , were I leave the sprout seeds in the small aviary it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is always cool . Also I don’t make a lot in the first place , just for two days
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When i had parrots i used white king bleach just a tea spoon in the water i soak for 24hrs killed all bugs and mould just started back into finches will try apple cider vinegar if that works
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I don't know or haven't read back the posts but what you are doing is quite safe using that minimal amount of bleach and i wouldn't change it to apple cider vinegar but in saying that apple cider vinegar is fine to use in their drinking water once a week just regulate the acidity in the gut.
The end result of bleach after the chlorine has evaporated is salt which is minimal in the amount you use.
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