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Species Profile

Posted: 30 Jan 2011, 15:16
by Mickp
Latin Name:
Stagonopleura bella

Other Names:

None known

Male: Dark olive-green overall, appearing quite dark under most lighting conditions. Upperparts finely barred with black. Underparts white, barred heavily with black. Black belly, extending under the tail. Bright crimson rump. White orbital ring and black mask contrast with bright red beak. Legs dark pink.

Female: Similar to the male, but lacks the black belly patch, and has a paler red bill.

Juveniles – Duller version of adults, underparts dull olive brown, barring not as pronounced, little to no black on face and orbital ring duller, black bill, dull-red rump.

Female lacks black belly patch, her black restricted to the undertail coverts, and as with the other Stangonopleura firetails, the male has the darker red bill.

Basic Breeding Info:
Average Clutch Size: 4 to 6 eggs
Incubation Period: 14-16 days
Leave nest: 25-27 days

Approximate cost per pair in Australia:


New South Wales:



South Australia:

Western Australia:
Unfortunately, due to government regulations, Beautiful Firetails cannot be kept in Western Australia.

Photograph (a wild bird in Victoria, by Madhatter)
Beautiful Firetail - Madhatter.jpg