New Facebook page for fincho's

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:wtf: To anyone a bit scared of today's technology, we all have our limits, but push those limits and live a much more rewarding life. Learning new skills is one of the best ways of avoiding the onset of dementia and some other associated aging mental disorders. Now, what was I going on about? :? Oh, yeah. :thumbup: Facebook is easier to get your head around that most forums, in my opinion, You just create a profile and ask to join a group, if you know the name of it, or type a key word eg. "finches" up the top, and up it all comes. In the words of Dr. Phil :roll: Face your fears and "We can do this." I'll leave you with this poem. :)

If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you'd like to win but think you can't,
It's almost certain you won't.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.
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Thanks Danny and thanks Tint but no thank you. Cheers Craig
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Danny wrote: This provides a service for them. It was set up because searching for a finch ad on Petlink just sucks. You are welcome to keep wading through parrot ads.
Danny you don't have to wade through adds...just hit control F and type in what your looking for IE:- Gouldian ....
and all adds having that word will be highlited in green
The Bitterness of Poor Quality Remains Long after the Sweetness of Cut Price is Forgotten
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Way to condescend, Tintola.
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vettepilot_6 wrote:
Danny wrote: This provides a service for them. It was set up because searching for a finch ad on Petlink just sucks. You are welcome to keep wading through parrot ads.
Danny you don't have to wade through adds...just hit control F and type in what your looking for IE:- Gouldian ....
and all adds having that word will be highlited in green
I am aware of that function (I think I posted the idea actually) but as a community of non-parrot breeders there is no harm in having a non-parrot area to advertise that will be seen by a much larger audience. I honestly can't see why the idea is so offensive to some. It's free, it's easy to use (no bloody image resizing) and people are using it so it has served it's purpose. Nuff said.
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Each to their own, I reckon. I find I can find what I want without the bother of other things. My earlier comment was rather tongue-in-cheek but also expressed a concern that some people have to joining twitter or facebook or such and then be bombarded with emails suggesting what I want or need to buy. Silly cyberthingy !!!!

If I want the commercialisation, I can go to facebook or such. That's the beauty of the net. It does provide a variety of experiences and you can choose what you want. I think that a negative comment about the "social" media is too often construed as people being scared of new things when they are often just annoyed by the intrusion these things make on your lives, emails etc. I don't like to think that some cookie-mining cyberbot is counting my tweets and seruptitiously sending me offers taylored to what it thinks I want to buy. I have enough trouble saving money :)

Currently, I do this forum, the occasional petlink look - although I have given up on that since they banned me for my anti hybrid campaign - specific company links and emails. I have given myself the illusion that I am in control (!) and I'm happy with that :)

I'm raving! Feel free to jump this post, unfriend me or detwitterfy me whatever :wtf:
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I am told by younger family members that the only people who do not use face book are those who have something to hide

Privacy is no longer valued???
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We slept in cots painted in lead based paint, rode our bicycles all day long without helmets, jumped out of trees knowing we were not falling onto padded rubberised mats of soft bark, travelled om mum's lap in the front of the Holden without seatbelts and made it this far Arthur.

We have come a long way without facebook or twatter.

When we grew up, grass was something you mowed.

Nothing to hide! Just a lifetime of experience.

Cheers, Case
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casehulsebosch wrote: rode our bicycles all day long without helmets.

Cheers, Case

Bicycles? . . .

You had bicycles?!?! :sick: :mrgreen:
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Case . .

You may understand the words better than I . . but I think we both get the message :thumbup:
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