Crested Hawk (Pacific Baza)

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I recently noticed a pair of Crested Hawks mating in the bush immediately behind my aviaries. They are now building a nest in the same tree which a pair of Grey Goshawks nested up until a couple of years ago - In mistletoe clumps within a tallowwood tree about 20m from the aviaries.
These hawks (bazas) are stunningly beautiful birds with bright yellow eyes, striped fronts & neat crests.
Years ago at my parents place, a pair of Crested Hawks were relentlessly trying to get the birds in our then holding aviary. We were determined to stop them but didn't want to take any lethal options as they were such beautiful birds, so we hung large prawn nets over the front of the aviary.
At the time I didn't know much about them so did some research & found that they have a strong preference for green-coloured prey (Frogs, cicadas, stick insects, praying mantids, etc.) Their attacks on our holding aviary then made sense as it was full of very green Blue-faced PFs at the time.
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I've got a pair nest next door for about 10 years & never looked sideways at the birds
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A pair nested in one of a large number of gum trees over the road for 10 or 12 years (not always the same tree) but development saw all of those trees (over 30) felled

The following year the Cresteds returned (they are migratory) and finding their nesting trees gone built in a Beach Almond (Terminalia) tree on our block, even though we have a number of large gums

The following year, they did not come back and we haven't seen them for 5 or 6 years

Never a problem with the finch aviaries, the big parrots would panic at the silhouette as they passed overhead but otherwise no problems . .

I always thought that they were insectivorous until I read, or someone told me about them taking a young Peewee

Always began nesting +/- Melbourne Cup Day and young fledged +/- Xmas day and as the young grew you could see them standing on the nest to greet the returning parents

Their unmistakable call always announced their return, and we miss them . . and the gum trees over the road . . which have been replaced by noisy neighbours :silent:
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Just heard the unmistakable call of a Crested Hawk

First around here for some time . . see above

About 6 months earlier (or later depending on your POV) than 'normal' . . be interesting to see if they nest

Coincidentally, the Mango trees are now in full blossom . . they are 6 months late, as they skipped their usual season last year

I have no doubt about the fact that the climate is changing; but won't be commenting on the cause/ s . . :silent:
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Hope they do settle down and nest for your enjoyment, and theirs. Climate change like life began at the beginning and will end at the end. Like life you can decide for yourself how much influence is possible.
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