Chestnuts slow to nest

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I have had two pair of Chestnut Breasteds (DNA sexed) in my 3mx4m, partially roofed aviary for 6 months.
3 weeks ago, on advice, I changed the brush for some new, much denser brush (bottlebrush cuttings).
This seemed to stimulate them and a rudimentary nest was built. It was more like a roosting nest, with no lining, and they seem to have stopped building and left it at that.
They are fed standard finch mix, half ripe seeds and sprouted seed, they look healthy and in good shape.
The only other birds in the aviary are Double bars and painteds, and I have removed most of the later.
Perth has been miserable and cold this winter, but it is warming up now.
Is there anything else I can do to get them serious ?

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Brett, i have found chestnuts along with redbrows the hardest of Australian finches to breed. They seem to do well in a colony of 4 to 5 prs though. With both these species, the sound of running water seems to spur them on to breed but more so redbrows.
Feeding copious amounts of seeding grasses at this time of the year as well as livefood brings them into breeding condition more so than anything else fed out.
Nesting material should include Emu feathers, white feathers and course grasses not the fine swamp grass but they will line the inside of the nest with fine grasses. Craig
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Thanks Craig, perversely that makes me feel a little better. Most people I have spoken to consider them almost as prolific as Zebras !!
I will try some extra feathers and wider choice of grass
Have considered running water, but that would take a little longer to organise.
They are not a particularly popular finch here in the West, which is a shame.
Many of our native finches seem to be taken for granted

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They are not a particularly popular finch here in the West, which is a shame.
Many of our native finches seem to be taken for granted
Agree with you there Brett. They are a lovely finch, always been a fan of the monochromatics.
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Got some here also Brett and think from the same guy. I have two pairs which were sexed visually.

I’ve never seen them crow or carry grass in the time I’ve had them

Just over a week ago they fledged four young.

Didn’t do anything different so might just be a patience thing
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Hello Gary,

Yes the birds are from the same guy.
One pair went to nest, laid three eggs but they were clear.
I have removed the eggs and they are in the process of building a new nest.
So they have finally got down to business, not sure if it was time, maturity, weather.
The other pair have done nothing.
Interesting you have not seen them crow as my "active" cock crows all the time. Like you I have never seen them carry any grass.

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So how are the chestnuts doing now guys? Showing any signs of Spring breeding?
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Hi Finchbreeder,

Yes, both pairs have made nests this year. Am hoping for some young this time around. Fingers crossed

Last year only one pair nested, the first nest the eggs were clear and the second a branch fell on the nest half way through incubation.
They started late in the year and that seemed to put and end to it.

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Glad to hear this year is starting off better than last. Will hope to hear further good news in 3 or 4 weeks time.
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Most Australian finches do best when kept in groups of their own kind. Get some more from a few different suppliers so they are unrelated and they have more choice of partners. You want at least 5prs so they can choose their own partners.

Have 2 nests for each pair so they have plenty of options. Make sure the nests are all the same height and have them about 6 inches below the roof.

Put some plants in the aviary.

Make sure they have clean water, a good seed mix, mineral grit, cuttlebone, egg biscuit (preferably home made so its fresh), and green grass seeds all the time.

Find out what the previous owner was feeding them and have that in addition to the foods you use.
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