use of piperazine

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Location: Midwest of West.Aust.Coast

Does anyone use Piperazine to worm their finches?
Have always used Ivermec before, but have access to Piperazine so was wondering about using it.
If you have used it, what strength is right for finches? And how long do you leave them with it?
Thanks in anticipation.
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Used to use piperazine about 30 years ago. Advice from vets (bird ones) indicated that it had poor effectiveness and didn't kill the full range of worms + because of this tended to allow resistant strains of worms to prosper. Can't remember the dose rate but would strongly recommend alternatives in preference. Moxydectin plus and avitrol plus (alternated) are far better wormers IMO.
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Location: Midwest of West.Aust.Coast

Oh OK. Will stick to Ivomec which is readily available from one of the local Vets, once I explain I want it for finches and how many. Just that the Stockfeeds always have piperazine available in 2yrs worth size bottles (for chickens anyway). While the Vet always needs to know what birds you want it for and how many of them and measures it into a bottle for you that does exactly what quantity you tell them twice. I guess there is the peace of mind that it has not gone out of date. Was considering that the switch might be good for preventing resistant strains, so worth knowing I was on the wrong track.
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