Lovebird flew into window

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Was cleaning their aviary today and stupid me left the door open, two decided I got too close and shot out the door.. while I was trying to coax them in one panicked and flew hard into the window, he fluttered down to the floor and landed on his feet, still flying and alert, thought he was fine, got him netted and back in the aviary.. happened this morning
Didn't come down to eat this morning after I got him back in, four birds eating not five.. I got them a millet sprig and I'm not sure if he ate any of that either but I can't be sure..
Does not want to fly, just using his beak and feet to climb everywhere, he can fly, just doesn't want to.. is puffed up, but everyone is today since it's chilly.. thought about extra heating but heard it can be bad for head injuries, plus his got his buddies which are always snuggled up to him .. all the other fly to the back of the aviary when I get 'too close' and he just stays there unless I get really close..
Not sure what I can or should do
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Location: Midwest of West.Aust.Coast

My first treatment for any injury is warmth. Not a lot, just a few degrees. He may have concussion and be a little disorientated, so not comfortable flying yet. Hope he comes good.
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