Which Finch Mix is best

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Jessica wrote: 08 Dec 2022, 17:25 I'm new to raising Gouldians. I have many top-rated seed mixes for them but, upon researching, it appears 'Gouldians love sorghum.' I found this on line:

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0976 ... SRI4P&th=1link

It says it is organic but also says it isn't sproutable. I'm just wondering if you think it would be good to add this sorghum to my varieties of seeds for them. I've purchased many mixes and all the seeds all of you mention already.

Second question: Where can I buy good 'sprouting' seed. I've been reading about sprouting and want to begin doing it for them. Thank you so much for ideas!

Jess. :-)
Let me ask you this. If it's organic, but it doesn't sprout, doesn't that mean there's something wrong with it?
It looks like some kind of genetic modification to me. Or am I wrong?
Last edited by ShawnK on 17 Dec 2022, 18:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Probably imported seed that has had the "life" zapped out of it.
No genetic modification needed.
Just kill the ability to sprout.
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ShawnK, that was my concern. For the garden, when I buy seeds, they don't say 'organic' but they certainly ARE living and grow when planted. Even potatoes purchased from an organic store grow - only potatoes that have been sprayed with 'sprout inhibitors' won't. So 'organic seed which won't sprout' was confusing.

LML, I thought that at first but ... it is seed grown in USA which is where I'm buying it ... so why kill its sprouting ability? I guess they sell internationally as well and that's why but it should be made clear on the packaging. Otherwise, how will I ever know?

In all, I only feed my dog raw organic meat. I only grow organically. I'm not a prude but when I pay for seed, I want to be able to sprout it and grow it in pots to feed my Gouldians. It shouldn't be this difficult. This is one of the few places I've found where I can purchase SORGHUM. I read it is a mainstay for Gouldians. Am I wrong to want to feed them what they would get in the wild?

Thank you both for helping me understand this issue so I know what to look for when I purchase seed!!
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Lazy of them to zap the "life" out of all their seed, when they could just do it with that that is being exported. But some people do things the easy way, not the customer friendly way.
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