different temperatures for hand feeding

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One of my hens died in the nest and left 5 chicks.
I took them and put them in an old 50 ltr aquarium which I have for this purpose.
They are 11 days old and I feeding them during the last week.
Inside the aquarium I have a 25W heating lamp and I head the space, based with two temperature controllers.
The one controller's probe stays near the birds and the second between the birds.
The first controller near the birds reads 29C and the second between the birds 35C.
Which one should I follow???
I know at this moment my temperature should be 29C but I'm not sure where you must reed this value. near the birds or between them???
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I would use the probe that is near the birds, which is recording the temp around the birds.
The temperature between the birds is going to be closer to their body temp, which will be higher than 29C.
The chicks will huddle to keep warm, or spread out if they are too hot

Good luck with raising them, it is a lot of work

"We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are ." Anais Nin
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