Red eyes zebs?

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Breeding season so far has had its ups and downs, but one thing I'm very excited about is my Fawn OB s/BB pied pair.
They've had 2 round this season, total 4 chicks along with 2 fosters from another pair.
I'm currently handfeeding and working on weaning their first clutch, and their second clutch is growing wonderfully.

Thing is, all their babies have red eyes. Not like the wild types, but more like Cream societies.
To add to the confusion, the 2 youngest chicks are also fully white instead of the Fawn Pied I expected, and got from the first clutch. (Jokes about them running out of ink have been made).

I can't really find any conclusive information regarding what mutation might be responsible for this.
The mom also has red eyes, but I honestly haven't noticed it until I put her up against a bright light.

What am I missing? What mutation could be responsible for the pure white in only the two chicks, and what could be responsible for the red eyes?

(I attached a picture of the two youngest with the foster, and another picture of one of the older chicks when he/she was a bit younger, and of course with a face covered in formula lol.)
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Most fawns have red eyes. Pure white like this is an over expression of the pied gene. I get it quite often in my stock.
Sorry to hear the parents are not feeding and you are.
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I had this once years ago

The above advice was what I was told.
Breeding Project 2020-2025.
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Could they be albino and are the toe nails white.
There is a black eye white bengo which is overall pied as fb has said but overseas they have a red eye albino which what you my have cracked with the zebs.
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