Hello to Everyone from Kim in Perth

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Joined: 07 Aug 2024, 03:09
Location: Perth WA

Hi Everyone! Thank you to the Admins for bringing me on-board.

I have a question for anyone that can advise me on what is the best substrate or media to use in my 5 x 2m outdoor aviary. Currently I have my aviary secured an cemented on top of limestone blocks. The floor is sand or very little of it as I have to keep scraping it away because of seed and bird faeces. The trouble I have is the soil becomes wet and takes along time to dry out which obviously causes health issues for my birds. I don't have any drainage and it is not rodent proofed of which is another issue as well. I need to know what I can use to get the birds onto dry ground by using whatever media and I can easily keep it clean for them. I thought concrete but the depth from the ground to the top of the limestone block is quite high. I have not intention of planting anything as I have canaries mixed with finches in the avairy. The canaries just eat and destroy all plant life so no more plant or grass. Can anyone help with ways of fixing the above issues? All your advice will be greatly appreciated!

Kind Regards

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Location: Midwest of West.Aust.Coast

I have a mix of flooring. 3 are dirt floors and one is concrete.
I hate the concrete, like you I find it is almost impossible to keep dry in winter and is a health concern.
We won't go into the fact that I did not want a concrete floor, but got one, thanks to my helpful hubby. :silent:
All floors require cleaning, but I still remain a big fan of dirt floors.
If you can dig tin into the ground for 600/700mm below and above ground all round the avairies that will solve the rodent proofing.
The planting problem can be solved by planting pots of whatever and just moving them in and out as needed.
I do this from time to time as my finches and canaries also like to munch.
Or just have a patch of garden (in my case lots of the garden) that is wild birdseed and weeds that can be picked and put into the avairies daily.
Enjoy your little charges.
And Welcome from another of the WA contingent.
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Shane Gowland
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Location: Adelaide

Hi Kimwill, welcome to the forum :)
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