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Re: Variations in climate

Posted: 01 Jan 2009, 18:25
by Mickp
only way I will ever see weather that miserable would be to move to tasmania or if I climbed into the freezer for a couple of hours. feel sorry for you Paul

Re: Variations in climate

Posted: 05 Jan 2009, 20:48
by Matt
It isn't all great weather over here. Today got up into the 40's and when I got home from work found a pair of red faced dead on the floor from heat exhaustion. They had just started a new nest a couple of days ago too. I also suspect I have lost a st helena who I haven't seen since I got home. She was incubating eggs which are due to hatch any day. Normally she pops out of the nest at the slightest disturbance but not today. I suspect she is dead in the nest. First thing I did when I saw the red face was install an extraction fan, hopefully they should cope a little better now.

Re: Variations in climate

Posted: 05 Jan 2009, 21:16
by Steven
Sorry to here that Matt :cry: It hasn't been to bad up here its been a bit cooler then last week.

Re: Variations in climate

Posted: 05 Jan 2009, 23:03
by Mickp
have to hate weather extremes, sorry for your loss.
one way I have tried to help my birds through extreme heat was by installing a couple of mist sprays, some sit directly in the spray while others are on the ground underneath. am considering a 90% shadecloth cover to put over the tin section of the roof as well, have to work out how to do it so that it is easy to remove for the colder months though

Re: Variations in climate

Posted: 06 Jan 2009, 04:58
by Fischer
Really sorry to hear that Matt :( It's hard to come home and find that you've lost birds. I'm not far from You ( Mangrove Mtn ) and it was a stinker here too, didn't loose any birds though as most of mine are inside in preparation for moving. It's even hotter where I'm moving to, so will have to install double skin roofs with insulation between I think :?

Cheers Tony

Re: Variations in climate

Posted: 06 Jan 2009, 11:59
by Matt
Well the St Helena is fine, maybe the young hatched and she was reluctant to leave the nest yesterday.
The red faced were in the top row of cabinets against the western wall which is the hottest area. Strangely the pair (red faced also) beside them which are sitting on eggs were fine. I have left the mrs with a spray bottle to give them a squirt at random intervals through the day as the forecast is for another 40+ day today. I will be placing some insulation between the wall and cabinets shortly and also a false ceiling with insulation on top. Don't know how the better half will react to that given that half my house doesn't have insulation.

Re: Variations in climate

Posted: 07 Jan 2009, 22:14
by Poohbear UK
Image Image

Trafalgar Square London yesterday...fountains frozen solid.

You lucky Ozzies....