Golden Shoulder Hybrid

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You certainly CAN . .

People cannot legally send abusive emails, trash reputations, and make unreasonable demands

Normal people are entitled to live normal lives free from this rubbish

And there are laws in place to preserve that right

Email him, and acquaint him with your final offer . . and if you have offered a refund on return of the bird, that should be your final offer. It is more than reasonable

Tell him that if he is not satisfied with that offer, he should initiate proceedings against you in the Small Claims Court or equivalent, and that you will vigorously contest the matter

Make it known that if he continues to go down the abusive track you will be forced to take action that he may find unpleasant

Finally, if necessary, take copies of his emails, your replies, and whatever social media posts, (all admissible documents) and see a solicitor


If you are on good terms with your local bikie chapter . . . :o :innocent:
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Could this person be deliberately trying to trash your rep because of your anti-hybrid stand? I copped a lot of abuse from idiots on petlink who resented my quixote-like tilt at their (NSW lorikeet/alexandrine hybrid) windmill. Some of those grunts have no sense of ethics or subtlety!! If you have upset one of their friends, then they may not like you. Believe me,I know. Just rise above them, firetail. I like Eorix's idea. :)
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My guess is that he no longer has the bird, that it is dead ( probably through his mismanagement) and he trying to get his money back. :shifty:
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If someone was trashing me like that I would get in his face.

Not violently, but face em. They usually back away...unless of course you have sold him a hybrid (but then that also does not explain things as you have tried to fix the matter many times).

AS a front line public service manager I get abuse and trash talk from some of my odd staff and some times the public nut cases.

I find that when I have them in a room (their office or mine) and you look them in the eye, they usually back down.

I get your frustration and I would (when thinking about it logically) ignore this bloke...I find it is quite a strong and over the top reaction to something he has no evidence of either way.
Breeding Project 2020-2025.
agate mosaic canaries, agate yellow mosaic canaries, red zebs, self bengos and goldfinch mules.
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Tend to agree with T . The bird has probably passed and he wants his money back .
Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.
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Psephotus and Northiella - Australia
Is this the page ?

If it is ,Vanessa ( admin ) would have deleted any such attacks on other breeders , she normally wont tolerate that on her page .
Ive asked to join ( again ) so can ask on her your behalf that any remaining posts are deleted . I try not to be on many bird pages , too much dribble for me .
Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.
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This is all that remains of the crap ..

Adam Finch FitzGerald
A reminder to all members on this group. It was setup to discuss care, breeding & husbandry of the Psephotus & Northiella genus.
There has been a lot of unnecessary & inappropriate behaviours & comments on this group lately in relation to hybrids & private transactions between certain individuals.
These posts & comments have been removed as this is NOT what this group is about & these sorts of comments/issues should be dealt with privately.
Should any of these sorts of posts or comments re-appear, they will be deleted & said members will be banned. - ADMIN.
Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.
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jusdeb, Is the Fitzgerald person the one that has sent that message as an admin or is it directed at him ?
I read it as he sent the message out, right? Just to clear it up as another member thinks the opposite to me.
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It should be obvious that Adam Finch FitzGerald is the instigator and admin of the group and as such is the one who posted that. And I don't blame him. He is a good person and is very well respected in aviculture circles. :thumbup:
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Thanks Tintola, but it wasn't obvious to someone else, I know him reasonably well & that why I asked, to make it clear.
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