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Re: PETA Articles - Absolute Rubbish

Posted: 18 Dec 2019, 09:13
by noah.till
Really, I don't think PETA are even worthy for discussion

Re: PETA Articles - Absolute Rubbish

Posted: 18 Dec 2019, 19:09
by Justdave
They are at best a crackpot, quasi political organisation of irrational clowns who create fictional outrage to generate profile and income from other irrational people.

There articles will never make a lick of difference to the real world, where the rest of us rational folks live 😉

Re: PETA Articles - Absolute Rubbish

Posted: 18 Dec 2019, 20:25
by JustPerching
PETA are ideologically opposed to keeping pets whatever they may claim, this is their bottom line. They will try & downplay this to try & concentrate on 'welfare' issues even where organisations already exist in a country to cover these issues. For example in the UK we already have the RSPCA to deal with welfare issues yet PETA try to move into the UK from the US.

Bird breeders are a target because they breed more pets. They are US sponsored & very well funded & should be opposed on principle. Do not underestimate the resources they can bring to bear, they will try & split the pet trade fish/reptiles/birds/cats/dogs etc whatever the line of least resistance.

Re: PETA Articles - Absolute Rubbish

Posted: 19 Dec 2019, 00:10
by Rod_L
We have the RSPCA in Australia and the Americans have their own version too.

Whilst I understand their points and even agree with some, pets should be allowed. If we could keep native animals, so many species would not be endangered due to habitat destruction and other things people do. I would love some quolls and they sure beat the hell out of a cat when it comes to colour, attitude, personality, etc. I would like a few dingos too but nope, not allowed to keep them. The government is quite happy to let people shoot them but we can't have them as pets.

If people were allowed to keep the Thylacine, it probably wouldn't be extinct now.

Re: PETA Articles - Absolute Rubbish

Posted: 22 Dec 2019, 16:15
by Brisbane_Finches_333
Well, what I'm worried about comes in the instance of Sea World and their captive dolphins. About 10-20 years ago, the majority of the public were absolutely fine with the captive dolphins at Sea World, but since PETA and other organizations have been running campaigns to inform the public, support for their organization has grown massively, and more and more people (including Tripadvisor) are boycotting sea world. This, however, is what I fear will happen to bird breeding, organizations such as PETA will spew out false information in a massive campaign and people will turn away from bird breeders.