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Re: uploading photos

Posted: 11 Feb 2011, 14:51
by casehulsebosch
Greetings. Yes, I can place photo's as i have shown in earlier posts. But..... Our moderator GregH tells us in one of his posts the pic size should be a max of 640 x 400. I have attempted this on several occassions but every time the picture bounces back saying it is too large and the max allowable is 256 kb.
So can someone please tell me the max size in pic size i.e width, height, resolution? cheers, case

Re: uploading photos

Posted: 11 Feb 2011, 15:06
by Mickp
picture size is 640 x 480, there shouldn't be any problems with resolution.
all I do is crop my photo's to suit and then reduce them to the required size.
then upload to the forum, hasn't said no to any so far.

Re: uploading photos

Posted: 11 Feb 2011, 15:12
by casehulsebosch
That was quick Mickp. I have had several goes in the last few days and reduced them to the stated size. I normally work on the 640 x 400 bit. Bounced back saying the files were too big. and max size allowed is 256 kb (nothing about dimentions just referring to the 256 kb) I will just keep plodding on. After all, they go get placed. cheers, case

Re: uploading photos

Posted: 11 Feb 2011, 15:15
by Mickp
If you want to, email me one of the photo's and I will see try to work out why you are having such a hard time.

Re: uploading photos

Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 12:56
by spanna
what format of photo are you using? most .jpeg photos 640x480 should be fine, but if it's a .gif then the file size will probably be too large, that is what the 256kb means, that the file size, not the dimensions, are too large. hope that helps.

Re: uploading photos

Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 16:26
by casehulsebosch
Hallo Spanna. Thanks for the post. And, no, it did not help. All my files are jpegs. The mutation goldfinch pics I posted tell the story. the first pic was resized 640 x 400. the second mutation i posted in the same heading was rejected and had to be further sized down. I am in communication with Mick and we are working on it. cheers and thanks for your post, Case