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Re: Fledglings

Posted: 10 May 2011, 11:57
by Diane
I've got big low branches and small stuff that they can get in among for any overnight nest leavers, and a small solar light so they can find their way around, unfortunately it just wasn't enough for one little one. Found it dead this morning, the other two are in the branches quite high up.

Re: Fledglings

Posted: 10 May 2011, 12:19
by jusdeb
Thats no good :(

Re: Fledglings

Posted: 10 May 2011, 12:31
by bleeding green
Sometimes there's not much you can do. What type of temps are you getting there o/night?

Re: Fledglings

Posted: 10 May 2011, 12:51
by finchbreeder
Sorry to hear that you lost one, but you did what you could. I pop fledglings back in and hold my hand over the hole for a bit to re-inforce my point. Then if they still jump, they take their chances. Couple of low branches and maternal quail usually take care of most who jump.

Re: Fledglings

Posted: 10 May 2011, 13:51
Di ive bought birds in over night like that when there young in a holding cage a then just put them back out in the morning. Never had any dramas with parents not feeding them first thing in the morning. Bit of a chore but its worked for me.

Re: Fledglings

Posted: 10 May 2011, 14:47
by jluna
they're cute and ugly at the smae time! sorry about the loss, hope the others make it.

Re: Fledglings

Posted: 10 May 2011, 15:47
by cranberry
Sorry to hear that Di. I found a dead Gouldian chick on the floor this morning, probably 6 or 7 days away from fledging properly. Must have got too close to the entry hole when it was being fed and it tumbled out. Not much you can do about these things.

Re: Fledglings

Posted: 10 May 2011, 18:31
by Diane
4C has been the lowest and over the next week its going to vary between 9 and 13 but back to 3 a week on Saturday.
I did stuff the entrance with a tissue for 15 mins but they still jumped out it was removed.
Just one of those things.

Re: Fledglings

Posted: 10 May 2011, 19:42
by mackstaa
Wow thats cold for May...

Sorry to hear bout that :(

Im sure the other two will be toughies through the winter now :) After the shock factor of one cold night they can be ok after that especially with more feather growth.

Re: Fledglings

Posted: 10 May 2011, 20:37
by jusdeb
Try to remember that although you have done all things possible mother nature will win out in the end ...Maybe the little one just wasn't ever going to be robust enough to survive.
As said if they survive this time of year they will be strong little buggers.
We are down to near zero already , hate lifting the blinds in the morning for fear of who hasn't made it through the night .