Blue or white breast?

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Might I ask what the parents are?
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No idea about parents, we recently bought two uncoloured supposedly WB gouldians, they were in a mixed aviary with YB and GB, WC and PC, RH birds.
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Better keep him in your hands 1) you have something a little different 2) better than selling him off or giving him to an unknown who may breed him affecting more bloodlines. You can control this even if you decide to mate him. Plus at the moment he looks kinda cool :mouse:
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better than selling him off or giving him to an unknown who may breed him affecting more bloodlines. You can control this even if you decide to mate him.
Thanks Mackstaa.How do I do that?
I am not sure how I can mate him to anything without affecting the genetic pool, unless I come across another bird with similar breast colour...Not likely. or the colour moults out.
And our space is limited so we try and be selective about what we keep. As it was it was supposed to be a male and a female and they turned out to be two boys! :lol: That will teach us to buy uncoloured. though I do enjoy the surprise of what you actually get.
Forrest Gump's box of chocolates again!
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I have a few chicks that are starting to colour with white breasts. Have noticed on more than a few occasions that the white colouring was showing a distinct "blue" colouring. This depended on lighting and if they were near anything green which could give a reflecive effect causing heir breasts to look "blueish". Thought I was on to a winner until they came into full sunlight and they are as white as snow. Mine is definitley an optical illusion. Hopefully yours aren't.
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If you didnt know the breeder personally he probably knew they were two males..

If you did happen to breed that whitewashed chested male its going to affect his young even if they arent visible for it and then what are you going to do with his young?
Take him back to the breeder if possible? Afterall you purchased what you thought was a pair.
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I can try and return it and see if I can swap with a female. But buying almost totally uncoloured, I imagine most breeders will say that is a risk you take...
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Definitely the buyers risk if you buy uncoloured Gouldians. I'd never sell or buy them uncoloured. Until they're coloured you don't know what you've got.
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Hi Flap, did you keep this youngen?
If so Im wondering about the blue breast. To me he didnt look white at all oin those pics (except for the white background around the pics :D ) he should of moulted out a bit more shest now with any luck. Any chance of a pic? Of the bird:D
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As per previous comment had not previously seen this. But several of Mum;s young WB are showing blueish. Could be the light, time will tell. How has it turned out Flap?
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