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Re: young birds and eggs disappearing in aviary

Posted: 29 Oct 2011, 04:29
by wagga
Are referring the Asian Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) ... ouse+Gecko" onclick=";return false;

They are small in size but again another feral species thriving in Australia conditions.

Re: young birds and eggs disappearing in aviary

Posted: 29 Oct 2011, 06:25
by arthur
These little !@#$% will cut your breeding results to nil

They have featured in this forum previously . . but no one has come up with a reliable control method

Coopex powder in nest boxes (unfortunately not all finches use boxes) seems to have some success

Another endearing :soppy: attribute of the Asian House Gecko is the disabling of air-conditioning units by short circuitng

Placing mothballs/ naphthalene inside the units . . or spraying externally with Dettol will deter geckoes

But aviary use of same will of course deter birds as well

Re: young birds and eggs disappearing in aviary

Posted: 29 Oct 2011, 06:27
by salaar
Thank God we do not have such problems. A maximum it could be a wasp.

Re: young birds and eggs disappearing in aviary

Posted: 16 Feb 2020, 07:34
by Sam Fahey
My Zebra finches have been sitting on eggs for the past 10 days and all of a sudden the eggs disappeared. I was wondering what happened to them. Any ideas. I live near Adelaide in South Australia Thanks

Re: young birds and eggs disappearing in aviary

Posted: 16 Feb 2020, 20:23
by finchbreeder
As above. Mice, or mum has decided they are duds and has chucked them, and the ants then cleaned up.

Re: young birds and eggs disappearing in aviary

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 22:27
by Brisbane_Finches_333
I have lost many birds and eggs to mice before I rodent-proofed the aviary. Rodent proofing is a MUST when it comes to outdoor aviaries, as mice and rats can burrow under the walls, climb up the walls, eat birds and disappear without a trace of the bird or mouse.

Re: young birds and eggs disappearing in aviary

Posted: 28 Feb 2020, 17:07
by VinceS
Brisbane_Finches_333 wrote: 17 Feb 2020, 22:27 I have lost many birds and eggs to mice before I rodent-proofed the aviary. Rodent proofing is a MUST when it comes to outdoor aviaries, as mice and rats can burrow under the walls, climb up the walls, eat birds and disappear without a trace of the bird or mouse.
My experience also; same climate / circumstances in Newcastle as Penrith, given 160km between them. Only concrete and 6mm black (for visibility) mesh fixes the problem, but still get cockroaches and need to bait them. For open dirt areas (if easily visually inspected) need to add a 500mm termimesh (fine stainless steel mesh) vertical ground barrier around the outside, and I have had one determined little bugger get through that, although the evidence suggests it was on the inside when I did the proofing as no more turned up after it met with it's bedraggled bricky fate after being hosed out.

Re: young birds and eggs disappearing in aviary

Posted: 28 Feb 2020, 17:09
by VinceS
PS: The snakes follow the rats in and that is the end of your collection, kapoof! Happened twice to me, different aviaries and cities.

Re: young birds and eggs disappearing in aviary

Posted: 28 Feb 2020, 22:14
by finchbreeder
Have had snakes get in and the snakes not the finches go kapoof. Because hubby knows. Happy wife = happy life.

Re: young birds and eggs disappearing in aviary

Posted: 27 Sep 2021, 06:17
by Sapperfinch
I had rats they cleaned out about 20 adults and countless young & eggs were sleeping in nest boxes killed 5