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Re: Metallic Starlings

Posted: 20 Feb 2012, 09:35
by E Orix
Arthur the day this forum gets into bed with National Parks or the relevent states dept. I am OUT.
I am still looking for one member I trust and one who actually cares about our hobby.
As for the Starlings,I have wanted them for many many years, when ever they were available I
was not in a position to take them. Even a few years ago Harry offered some to me and sadly i said later on.
The challenge to establish them is there for someone switched on.
Well done with your success.

Re: Metallic Starlings

Posted: 20 Feb 2012, 10:16
by Tintola
Thanks EOrix. So far so good. I hope my "on" button is never switched to off!

Re: Metallic Starlings

Posted: 20 Feb 2012, 10:23
by E Orix
As you get older your ON button doesn't get turned off just the dimmer switch comes into play. :wtf: :wtf:

Re: Metallic Starlings

Posted: 20 Feb 2012, 10:28
by arthur
arthur wrote: Perhaps we need some NPWS reps from each state on the forum who could give logical answers to reasonable questions

This was written with tongue firmly planted in cheek . .

And is actually an impossible task/ dream . . Such people do not exist

Am still waiting for an answer to my query

May be a change of government here soon . . but the 'same old same old' will still be in charge of the fauna dept :roll:


I am also fairly sure that our forum is monitored by fauna departments from all states . . but like all other 'stakeholder input' any constructive criticism will be ignored :shh:

Re: Metallic Starlings

Posted: 20 Feb 2012, 11:43
by Tintola
arthur wrote:
I am also fairly sure that our forum is monitored by fauna departments from all states . :shh:
Wouldn't they be too busy attending to import/export applications? (Not) :roll:

Re: Metallic Starlings

Posted: 20 Feb 2012, 12:20
by Tiaris
Maybe they could chase up a recent petlink ad then. 120 Chestnut-breasted Finches $10ea Sunshine Coast. Hop to it guys!

Re: Metallic Starlings

Posted: 20 Feb 2012, 13:04
by arthur
More like a case for the ACCC :silent:

Re: Metallic Starlings

Posted: 23 Feb 2012, 15:04
by arthur
Received a reply from Minister regarding the reasons for Qld'ers not being able to import native softbills legally held elsewhere . .

Can't cut/paste as is PDF or whatever, but see below

Now my query was about NATIVES but 'what the hell' :upsidown: :upsidown: . . the bit about pest risk assessment may be of interest to some . . the rest will probably be of interest to nobody

"Dear Arthur

I refer to your email to Hon Anna Bligh . . . . concerning the importation of birds into Qld

I note your concerns. Exotic birds are legislated under the 'Nature Conservation Act 1992' and fall within Hon Vicky Darling's (Min for Environment)responsibilities. I have forwarded a copy of your email for her consideration

I am advised that nationally over 200 species of exotic birds have been subject to a preliminary pest risk assessment. Biosecurity Qld, a service of DEEDI is currently undertaking detailed pest risk assessments for high priority exotic birds, which may form the basis for future policy development in Qld

If you need further assistance . . . . . . etc"

It does get a little frustrating waiting 3 to 4 months for a 'non-reply'

Now you can't really blame the minister who wouldn't know a Tom-Tit from a Tom-Turkey . .

But those staff of the dept supplying the content of the reply certainly would :hothead:

Re: Metallic Starlings

Posted: 23 Feb 2012, 15:47
by E Orix
That response doesn't surprise me at all.
One shouldn't generalise but it seems that the majority working National Parks or what ever they call themselves in all states just don't care about bird species, aviculture and aviculturalists. All they seem to do is collect their wages and vegitate.Its a shame, if they were interested,showed some interest in us and had
a user friendly conciderate license system then I am sure it would be better received. I would even think of them above a car parking attendant.
I should point out this is my own personal opinion

Re: Metallic Starlings

Posted: 23 Feb 2012, 19:58
by west finch
Hi guys on the national parks topic in Queensland you have to acquire a licence to hunt deer which are a ferrel and destructive animal not protected in other states . There not trying to cash in are they. :eh: