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Re: Parrot Hybrid

Posted: 01 Aug 2012, 16:33
by MadHatter
Vettepilot: I'm quite sure Vr1ton was referring to the Long-billed in its natural range, where it is definitely struggling due to habitat loss, competition and hybridisation. Curiously, there are feral populations in many cities and towns outside of their natural range that are apparently doing quite well. It's kind of a 2-speed economy. ;-)

Re: Parrot Hybrid

Posted: 02 Aug 2012, 11:38
by Greg41
Just as an aside , this is a photo I took at my mates place ,they all come in each afternoon for a feed.
Cheers Greg.

Re: Parrot Hybrid

Posted: 02 Aug 2012, 19:30
by Pete Sara
hey greg theres one thats hanging around whale back golf course at the moment as well, probably escaped pets...