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Re: Maybe a scaly breasted?

Posted: 09 Mar 2012, 14:21
by jusdeb
No like I said I was too annoyed ... Ill look later when I have time .

Re: Maybe a scaly breasted?

Posted: 09 Mar 2012, 19:16
by HARVEY123456789
im not sayin im the only one that has normal none hybinized alexs but ALOT of people a crossing for coloures

Re: Maybe a scaly breasted?

Posted: 18 Mar 2012, 14:52
by maz
Starting to get annoyed again lol....saw this advertised a few weeks ago as an olive rainbow lorikeet and commented that they looked like rainbows crossed with scaleys x with musks....well I never got an answer the add just disappeared lol.....a week later same ad reappears and they are still advertised as olive rainbows, if your going to breed hybrids at least advertise them as such (really can't be bothered anymore commenting:( ) ... 1487_n.jpg" onclick=";return false;

Re: Maybe a scaly breasted?

Posted: 18 Mar 2012, 16:26
by jusdeb
Well a recent request for some natives pert near had me in tears ..
The add went wanted Golden Shoulder , Hooded , Blue Bonnet and cant remember the other .
The add was placed by a youngin whom I know is always playing with cross breeding ... I messeged him a very heart felt letter begging him not to cross these threatened and beautiful aussie birds ...............

A reply came back the next day with an apology , yes he was intending to cross them but my letter and pressure from a couple of other members of the parrot page made him change his mind.

One down and sadly too many to go .

Re: Maybe a scaly breasted?

Posted: 18 Mar 2012, 17:55
by Myzomela
I spoke to an aviculturist today who visited a well known breeder on the way back from a bird sale recently. The breeder commented that they were the 4th group of visitors and that they all had been openly discussing their hybridization of Australian natives. When they saw one person's mutation Eastern rosella the question was asked.: "How many generations after crossing with red rumps did it take before they looked this good?" When he replied that they were not hybrids but a pure mutation they looked at him in disbelief.

The point is that hybridising species to introduce new mutations was accepted as commonplace and "normal" by these experienced aviculturists.
Since there is little enforcement by the authorities to discourage these people, perhaps we should work on the new youngsters and novices as Deb has done- good job Deb.

Those in it for the $$$ will hopefully leave the hobby and the signs are there that this is indeed happening, as parrot sales across the board remain as stagnant as they are currently are.

Off my soapbox now!

Re: Maybe a scaly breasted?

Posted: 18 Mar 2012, 20:57
by Craig52
After all that Brooksey's little hybrid has flown the coop,his kids let it out.So now the mix is back to happen in the wild, not in an aviary. :thumbdown: :thumbdown: Craig

Re: Maybe a scaly breasted?

Posted: 18 Mar 2012, 21:34
by jusdeb
GREAT .................. NOT :thumbdown:

Re: Maybe a scaly breasted?

Posted: 18 Mar 2012, 21:49
by maz
I messaged the person who is buying the birds, her comment was "I know but they are pretty" and the person selling them was sold the parents as olive rainbows (they look very like the offspring) the cycle will continue :(

Re: Maybe a scaly breasted?

Posted: 19 Mar 2012, 16:21
by finchbreeder
The frustrations. These birds do look very pretty. We know it is the wrong thing to be doing. We make a judgment call to do the right thing. All we can do is encourage, as Deb has done :clap: , other people to do the right thing. And hope to prevale by firm but consistent reminding of others that it is the wrong thing to do.

Re: Maybe a scaly breasted?

Posted: 19 Mar 2012, 20:24
by jusdeb
Going through the old ABK mags and theres an add saying due to public blah blah Americans are no longer allowed to advertise Hybrids in one of the top bird mags over there .

At some stage the yanks did try amd good on them I spose ...Dont think it made much difference though .

This was a while back Im only up to vol 7 .