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Re: Stubble Quail

Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 21:28
by finchbreeder
Quail no, eggs yes. Not that different from bantum eggs, just smaller and a better size for popping in the mouth.

Re: Stubble Quail

Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 21:49
by Tintola
jusdeb wrote:, gotta say the Browns are a nice quail .
I haven't tried them Deb, but are they are as tasty as the Jap Quail?

Re: Stubble Quail

Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 21:53
by jusdeb
Oh ewwww not to eat :lol: to look at :shock:

:lol: I have seen Browns in the scrub just out of town . Did try Quail once many moon ago , cant say as I liked it as there wasn't enough to get a decent mouth full .

Variety of Quail consumed ...dunno the restaurant type . :thumbup:

Re: Stubble Quail

Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 22:00
by Tintola
Jap Quail are the ones usually found in restaurants. Very nice done cacciatore style in a crockpot.

Re: Stubble Quail

Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 22:15
by jusdeb
This was Quail , marinated and served with a fancy salad ....1 cherry tomato and 3 or 4 weedy things :roll: gotta tell you it wasn't very imaginative .

Maybe I will try it again some day .

Re: Stubble Quail

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 07:37
by Danny
Buzzard-1 wrote:
toothlessjaws wrote:so there you go.
To quote a well respected AFF member "Well there you go"
I always thought (up till now) that stubble quail of which there are hundreds around here, were of the button quail genius, and I've always called Jap quail Coturnix, I now must change my ways. Thanks Toothless :thumbup:
Both Japanese quail and stubble quail are in the genus Coturnix.
There is a colour variety in the japanese quail called the pharoah that is to many, virtually indistinguishable in pattern to the stubble quail. The principle difference, apart from japs being bulkier, heavier and far less stupid, is that stubble males lack the double (sometimes only single) band around the bottom of the chestnut neck patch. Eggs colour is also different - the standard pale , dark olive splashed egg of the jap should be obvious all over the pen. Stubbles lay a smaller egg, more finely peppered and more greenish in colour.
I'm not sure what Nathan is looking at but I would use these criteria - if there are lots of birds just milling around, not so disturbed by your presence, calling regularly, lots of scattered eggs, not flying up and hitting their heads when attempting to catch them - I'd call them pharaoh japanese. If when they are being caught out they fly around stupidly and you are thinking to yourself, why am I bothering, they'll be stubbles.

Re: Stubble Quail

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 08:39
by Nathan Morleyy
Deb just a few weeks ago ,
When I was at my grandfathers farm I saw wild stubble quail.

There were no eggs on the ground and they wernt calling so they were stubble quail.

Thanks Nathan

Re: Stubble Quail

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 08:50
by Danny
Nathan Morleyy wrote:Deb just a few weeks ago ,
When I was at my grandfathers farm I saw wild stubble quail.

There were no eggs on the ground and they wernt calling so they were stubble quail.

Thanks Nathan
Make sure you post some pics when you get them. They are one of my favourites.
When you get them, make sure you wing clip them. They settle down much better.

Re: Stubble Quail

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 09:08
by Nathan Morleyy
Danny ,
I will try and get them as soon as I can but I have to save up $80 first :problem: . I wont to get them becouse every one has king quail and I wont to get somthing different. As soon as I get them I will clip there wings take some pictures and show you :thumbup: :) .
Is there eney more advice I should know?.

Thanks Nathan

Re: Stubble Quail

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 09:20
by Jayburd
Nathan Morleyy wrote:I wont to get them becouse every one has king quail and I wont to get somthing different.
:thumbup: always good to get a break from the kingies. once you have bred lots of stubbles maybe you should think about getting some little button quail (if you decide to sell all your stubble). great little birds, if a bit shy.