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Posted: 15 Feb 2012, 16:42
by gomer
Everyone is entitled to their opinion right or wrong I believe.I suppose the hardest part is deciding when to agree to disagree.As said after a while its a waste of breath trying to change the unchangeable opinions in those who think its right when you think its wrong.


Posted: 15 Feb 2012, 17:10
by arthur
SamDavis wrote:[. Best to keep government nutters as far away from aviculture as we can. .
Alas the bird (pun intended??) has flown :penguin:


Posted: 17 Feb 2012, 23:04
by Craig52
Ok, the Avicultural Society of Australia clearly states in its journal the advertising for sale of hybrids in this journal is strictly forbiden.Why cant petlink adopt the same policy and delete adds for hybrids. :eureka:


Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 07:24
by jusdeb
I think Petlink may have become too big for them to monitor .

All you ever hear about are the scammers on there although Im yet to see anything sus .

It would be a start thats for sure if they did police the ads .

Id like to know what can be done ? I agree the Govt intervening could be the worse thing to happen .

Education ? How when so many breeders are in it for the $$$$ , they wont listen .

If you say anyhting on the worlds biggest medium being the internet your either shot down for trying or deleted for having an opinion .

Only thing I can think to do is to keep sending emails whether they make a difference or not and keep adding pure birds to my flock .

Still breaks ones heart to see and hear that our native birds are being exploited this way .


Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 13:02
by Netsurfer
Many people from the Southern Europe, especially those from Greece, ex Yugoslavian countries, Malta and Spain, see Canary x Finch (any finch) their song as being something superior or better then a Canary song, just because "his father or someone" told them so. It is virtually impossible to convince them that it is not so. Nowadays we have Canaries with extremely good quality songs, breeders in central Serbia and Bulgaria have produced a Canary with song similar to a Nightingales song. When I first heard it I was surprised to hear the song flow contained lots of variations just like in Nightingale's song. The point I'm trying to make is that it's a waist of time with many of people who hybridize, they don't associate bird keeping with conservation or preservation of bird species, either in the captivity or the wild. Being branded as "racist" or a member of "KKK" every time I spoke about negativity of crossbreeding on some forums is not something new to me. I assume most of the people on this forum care about the species we still have now, and their preservation, so I agree with 'crocnshas' and others who would like to ban hybridization of species. I never thought that was the case with the parrot breeders also, I thought the Finch breeders were the only ones that come up with this cockamamie ideas to waste bird's productive life in captivity by hybridizing.
I believe Clubs and Forums like this one have a big role to play when it come to educating people about the meaning of preservation of species in captivity and the wild because it's pretty much related.


Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 14:42
by spanna
One thing I can't help but notice is the difference of opinions regarding hybrids in finchos vs hookbill breeders. I'll start by saying that I have absolutely nothing against parrots or cockatoos or their breeders in general, but when it comes to some things, there are ridiculous differences.

A finch breeder accidentally gets a finch hybrid, what do they do? Some knock it on the head, others leave it in an aviary to live out its life without EVER reproducing. Most (some %^&*%^ bird stores excluded) wouldn't even DREAM of selling it, and may only give it away with certain provisions, and to knowledgeable finch people only, who would not pollute the species by breeding the bird back with normals.
A parrot breeder intentionally (or accidentally, while unlikely, since most are housed as single pair per aviary) breeds a hybrid, what do they do? Put a ridiculous price on it, sell it to the highest bidder, and try and breed more of the same. These birds may go on to reproduce with new owners, or they may not, who can know. Then in future generations, perhaps impure offspring are introduced to a pure bird by someone who simply doesn't know better? What happens in 100 years when we already have this happening? It's the same "mutation vs pure normals" debate, though much, MUCH more serious. Mutations are natural, though unnaturally enhanced by breeders. Some make improvements in the birds, some make weaknesses. So what happens when we mix and combine 2 different sets of DNA from 2 different species?! Who only knows, but I can't see any way a good outcome is likely for the future strength, longevity and fecundity of the birds in question.

I believe that this definitely needs to be brought to the attention of the relevant departments. Yes, it may result in more stringent monitoring of aviculture, but there we have only those responsible to blame. No, not all bird breeders are the same, not even all hookbill or finch breeders are the same, but just because most do the right thing, does it mean those doing the wrong thing should be sheltered by us??? If we have those at fault to name and shame, to embarrass, harass and punish (namely through fines) until these practices are stopped, then all the better!!! If people are worried about being told what to do with their birds by others less knowledgable (ie government departments) then get up and do something about it!! I'm nearing the end of my university times, and am highly considering getting involved with the local government here, largely in part because I want to make changes for the better of our aviculture! Short of that, write a simple letter to those that you feel may harass you, detailing the stigma of finch hybrids vs hookbill hybrids. If people are worried about uneducated people lording over them, then try a bit of friendly (I stress, friendly) education of your own.

I know none of this is as simple as I say it is, but I've written enough already, so will leave my rant there.

Luke, out.


Posted: 23 Feb 2012, 07:51
by GregH
I couldn't find out about the legality of hybridising native birds but NSW DPI does offer a solution for the problem of hybrid pheasants. I gather that it's not illegal to produce such hybrids in NSW as there are specific categories created for the registration of these animals when you read the National Parks & Wildlife's NSW NATIVE ANIMAL KEEPERS’ SPECIES LIST 2012. That said it does specifically state:
Some hybridised animals are recorded in this list. The Department does not support native animal keepers who breed between animals of different species. Regulations prohibit the breeding of native waterfowl with domestic waterfowl.


Posted: 23 Feb 2012, 08:12
by Myzomela
GregH wrote:The Department does not support native animal keepers who breed between animals of different species
What a pathetically inept comment.
If the said department cannot regulate to ban such hybrids, then they must bear some of the responsibility for it happening.
Why can some states make it illegal, whilst others like NSW sit on the fence?
We can't do much about exotics from a legal point of view, but surely they would have the native situation all tied up.
I'm just waiting for the time that there are no pure golden-shouldered parrots left in captivity, and the now 2000 or less left in the wild are down to 200. We aren't exactly likely to get access to pure, wild-type blood again, are we?


Posted: 23 Feb 2012, 08:13
by Myzomela
The "inept" comment was regarding the Department's comment- not Greg's!!


Posted: 23 Feb 2012, 08:15
by Tintola
GregH wrote:I couldn't find out about the legality of hybridising native birds but NSW DPI does offer a solution for the problem of hybrid pheasants.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Their solutions for the problem of hybrid pheasants sound delicious! :thumbup: I'm keeping that link as I have a friend who breeds and "dresses" (euphemism for kills, plucks, guts and freezes) his own birds.