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Re: Air Sac Mites

Posted: 16 Jul 2011, 13:38
by Mickp
type that into your search bar and go to the homepage.
from here you should be able to order the quantity you want.

Re: Air Sac Mites

Posted: 18 Jul 2011, 14:04
by MadHatter
or click this here link:" onclick=";return false;

Re: Air Sac Mites

Posted: 07 Aug 2011, 20:05
by vettepilot_6
I have treated Air Sac mite by spraying whole avairy and birds included with pyrethium based insect spray...if I have a problem bird I put it in a (covered)hospital cage and spray the bird twice daily....about a week later all is good

Re: Air Sac Mites

Posted: 25 Sep 2011, 18:07
by teg33
How do Air Sack mites actually 'get into' a finch? What is the best way to prevent it? Does anyone know?

Re: Air Sac Mites

Posted: 25 Sep 2011, 18:11
by vettepilot_6
No or poor Quarantine procedures...wild birds....eggs will last a fair while before hatching...

Re: Air Sac Mites

Posted: 14 Nov 2011, 20:01
by venetta
I've gone through this whole topic and not found once where anyone has mentioned the actual strength of Ivomec..
Can anyone shed some light? I've seen lots of people saying 5ml per litre of water, but never mentioned the strength they've used.

I can get Ivomec from work, but I think we have the injectable and it's 10mg/ml.

Is this still as reliable?
I know a lot of people are against using it, but it's the most readily available to me and others I know have used it..

Cheers :)

Re: Air Sac Mites

Posted: 14 Nov 2011, 20:06
by Pete Sara
give wattle grove vets a call, they sell it already mixed all you do is one drop on the back of the bird on skin....pete

Re: Air Sac Mites

Posted: 14 Nov 2011, 20:58
by matcho
5ml per litre Cydectin Plus and 2 ml per litre Baycox all in the one go. Remove water the evening before and use for 2 days to ensure that they drink it. Dont use greens at this time because they will use the greens for moisture. Dont use it when rain is predicted because once again they will take the water off the wire and not the medication. Sounds harsh but works on ASM and worms. Repeat 14 days later. Repeat every 3-4 months. Clean the cage and spray with Coopex. Especially get rid of the perches and old nest boxes/brush because with the beak wiping the mite is transferred and the cycle continues. Works for me and has been validated by the results and comments by other members on this forum with greater knowledge and experience.. Hope this helps.

Re: Air Sac Mites

Posted: 18 Nov 2011, 16:22
by Alf63
I use Moxidectin worming syrup. This product is marketed by an avian vet (australian Pigeon Company) in Melbourne for birds (pigeons initially) but I believe it is only available form a vet on perscription.

The Moxidectin strength is 2mg/ml. Recommended dosage is 5mls per litre of water or a direct dose of 0.1ml per 100gms of body weight. I have used it sucessfully on Gouldians with Air Sac Mite by apply 2 drops to the back of the neck and follow up dose a week later.

Also proved very successful in clearing scaly leg mite in a friends canaries by applying to the back of the neck.

Re: Air Sac Mites

Posted: 22 Nov 2011, 07:25
by Fincho162
Ivomec in water is not much good as it usually forms an oil slick rather than mixing. However, we've found that to get rid of ASM you need to mix Ivomec in alcohol and below is a guide to the proportions:

"I gather you have Ivomectin?? If you have the sheep and goat strength one add 3.1 mls of Ivomec to 25mls of isopropyl alcohol (from chemist or a friend that dabbles in chemistry!!) and add ONLY 2 drops to the back of the neck. If not you could end up with a very inebriated bird! If you have cattle strength Ivomec then add 0.5mls to 25mls of alcohol and same dose rate. That should do the trick but you may have to repeat every couple of weeks to ensure you kill it all as air sac mite and gizzard worm can prove difficult to kill and completely remove."

Cydectin is great fro keepign the birds ASM free but if u have a bad case then we find u must get much more proactive and the alcohol treatment is brilliant for that.

Why alcohol?? It is absorbed straight across the bloodstream and gets the drug to where its needed .....with water most of the drug is just wasted on the feathers........

Anyway I stress I ain't a vet but this has worked countless times for us.