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are figs and pomegranates safe for a lori?

Posted: 28 Jan 2012, 13:19
by venetta
As the title suggests, just want to make sure these are safe before feeding to our scaly breast!

Re: are figs and pomegranates safe for a lori?

Posted: 28 Jan 2012, 13:22
by jusdeb
My oath they are however there may be an increase in poop volume so in moderation or wear a rain coat when scaly is free ranging the house :thumbup:

Re: are figs and pomegranates safe for a lori?

Posted: 28 Jan 2012, 13:25
by venetta
Haha, thanks deb.

Got two trees at work which are overloaded with them at the minute, so thought o better get some before the red/white tailed black cockatoos do!

We've got to wear raincoats while he/she is out anyway.. lol

Better get the DNA test done soon so we can start calling him/her by the right gender :D