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Zebra males plucking their hens! When they have chicks!!!

Posted: 27 Feb 2012, 22:00
by Howldaloom
I have 2 breeding pairs of zebra finches. I have one with 3 fledglings and the other 2 with 3 still in the nest.

The pair with ones still in the nest began to REALLY pluck the hen so i removed him and left her with the chicks. *will keep an eye on her*

The other pair were doing great............Until the chicks fledged!

They only fledged yesterday and have spent their time on the floor. Since then the male has began to pluck and become VERY aggressive to the hen. So i have removed her.

My only question is WHY????

I have had alot of trouble with pluckers in the past and as they are imexpensive birds to breed im thinking of just jacking them in altogether and getting some different types such as silverbills etc.

Why are the cock birds so aggressive when with chicks???

Re: Zebra males plucking their hens! When they have chicks!!

Posted: 28 Feb 2012, 11:21
by finchbreeder
It could just be the bloodline is aggressive? They could be lacking something in their diet? Apparently slightly salty water in a seperate bowl for a day or 2 sometimes works in this case. He could be oversexed and trying to drive her back to nest? Lack of nesting materials? Just some possabilities that you can look at and if applicable address. Hope this is of some help.

Re: Zebra males plucking their hens! When they have chicks!!

Posted: 28 Mar 2012, 21:29
by Howldaloom
Hiya thnks for the reply.

What about a anti plucking spray? Could that work? In future where one is being bullied?