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My first pair!

Posted: 16 Oct 2012, 14:04
by lwh088
Hi there,

I've done the intro lol and today I managed to get a breeding pair of red star finches, the previous owner gave me a cain nest with 4 eggs and told me that was there current nest. I have returned home, put the nest in and left them alone I have just monitored them from a distance and he is doing a song and dance (flapping his wings) she seems to be ducking her head and then jumps into the nest. Any advice would be appreciated as I am here to learn :-) are these birds ok to cabinet breed? All I had available to put them alone was a nice big cabinet with a swing and 2 perches nesting material, seed, grass, water...



Re: My first pair!

Posted: 16 Oct 2012, 16:25
by casehulsebosch
Hi Luke.
Although I have never bred Stars in cabinets, I know my counterparts in Europe do. I have enquired about this in the past and been advised by friends that they had good succesrates by breeding them in cabinets.
My succes with Stars has been mainly due to seeding grasses. I have put quite a few young stars on the perch and found that once they had young in the nests they preferred seeding grasses above anything else.

Good luck.

Cheers, Case, Tauranga, New Zealand.

Re: My first pair!

Posted: 17 Oct 2012, 07:55
by Diane
They may desert this nest. Birds dont like to be moved about when they are nesting and from what Ive read on the forum about stars, some can be very flighty and off the nest in you even look in their direction when they are nesting.

Re: My first pair!

Posted: 22 Oct 2012, 20:21
by Finch_Breeder
Good luck, I just got a pair of red faced stars two weeks ago. :thumbup:

Re: My first pair!

Posted: 23 Oct 2012, 22:01
by landferno
Id be extremely surprised if the stars go back and sit on that nest. From my experience with stars they will breed like crazy in a small aviary but if you touch the nest in any way they will desert it even if the chicks are just about to fledge. They generally like a bit of privacy as far as their nest position goes so Im not sure how well they would go in a cabinent. Mine have bred well when provided with a lot of seeding grasses, brush where they can nest in a more secluded place, lebanese cucumber, greens and grains seed mix and the odd mealworm particularly when they have young.