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Red Crested Finches

Posted: 16 Dec 2012, 11:25
by E Orix
From my bad experience Red Crested Finches absolutely hate Jacarinis Finches and Red Faced Parrot Finches.
It may not be all of them but one of my birds is frightening in the way that it attacks Jacarinis Finches.
Another literally slaughted my whole colony of Red Faced Parrot Finches when it decided to set up its breeding territory.
I guess I learned at the expense of my P.Finches. Last season I ran Blue Faced P/F's in that aviary without a problem.

Re: Red Crested Finches

Posted: 16 Dec 2012, 15:15
by Bgould
So true Eorix, my jacs lasted a day in a heavily planted aviary with red cresteds. I thought they would of had enough cover, but not so.

Re: Red Crested Finches

Posted: 21 Dec 2012, 04:21
by thewaxbill
Very true of the Red Crested Finch, when they are that way out they will persecute anything thats in with them, i have never kept them myself but know others that have and they have suffered losses of various species at the hands of the Red Crested.

Re: Red Crested Finches

Posted: 21 Dec 2012, 06:24
by Danny
I have always kept mine 1 pair to an aviary but at present I have a spare male in a mixed collection which includes jacarinis and he's behaving nicely so far.

Re: Red Crested Finches

Posted: 21 Dec 2012, 07:08
by E Orix
I can't see a problem with an odd bird in an aviary and even possibly during non breeding season but not
when he gets into breeding mode.The hormones click in and their demeanor changes.

Re: Red Crested Finches

Posted: 21 Dec 2012, 08:38
by Myzomela
Funnily enough I was speaking to a fellow in Sydney who breeds lots of red cresteds and jacs, often in the same aviary and has never had a problem.

Just like crimsons and cubans each pair is different and more importantly each housing and husbandry situation is different.

Re: Red Crested Finches

Posted: 21 Dec 2012, 09:58
by Lukec
This discussion really highlights the fact that these rarer birds, have many variables and how important it is to respond to their traites accordingly, depending upon there history and environment.

In other words, dont just throw them in and hope for the best, be prepared to change their environment where needed in an instant.