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First eggs laid but the maggies are looming

Posted: 05 May 2013, 17:23
by elferoz777
delighted to find my young hen (24 months old) finally settled and is laying on eggs....

the bad thing is,like siskins, these guys nest near the wire.

I noticed some maggies around the aviary and the birds were going bonkers.

I cut up an old shirt (donation from my trusty dog via the clothesline the night before) and tighly cable tied it to the mesh.

The birds are out of site at the moment

Do you think this will help with the maggies?

I hope so as I am pretty stoked to have the hen on eggs

Re: First eggs laid but the maggies are looming

Posted: 05 May 2013, 20:02
by maureen_g
I had Noisy Miners scaring my birds by landing heavily on the wire towards the top of the aviary. I cable tied some shadecloth to the area and put a lifelike rubber snake on the roof and no more problems from the Miners. Good luck with yours!!