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Posted: 16 Jul 2013, 16:43
by Archbold87
Will Zebras be able to go from living from an indoor cage to an outdoor aviary without any problems?
Thanks Chris

Re: Adapting

Posted: 16 Jul 2013, 20:06
by Buzzard-1
Although Zebs are a tough forgiving bird it still pays to acclimatise them. better to wait till the weather warms up and introduce them to the outside world over a short period.

Re: Adapting

Posted: 16 Jul 2013, 20:58
by Archbold87
So would taking them out side during the day in winter help to start acclimatising them or just wait until spring?

Re: Adapting

Posted: 16 Jul 2013, 22:19
by branchez
Hi Chris-if your aviary has got some shelter out of the wind there should be no problem putting them
outside,as said, they are pretty tuff little birds,you might put in a breeding box or cane basket for
them to roost in at night. Good luck.

Re: Adapting

Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 08:12
by vettepilot_6
They are tough and adaptible little guys, depending on which way your outside aviary faces, no drafts or damp,but I, like Buzzard would wait till spring, if putting them out through day make sure no predators, are able to snatch them through wire (anything larger then 6mm holes is asking for trouble IMO) :thumbup: