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Posted: 03 Nov 2014, 19:57
by Leigh
Anyone keeping chooks? if so what do you have?
I have 3 hens, one is a pure bred Australorp and the other two are mixed Rhode Island Reds with something but I'm not sure on that one.
Nothing better than home grown eggs.

Re: Chooks

Posted: 04 Nov 2014, 07:23
by garyh
I keep 3 isa browns,3eggs every day ,keep the egg shells for the gouldians,win both ways :) ,garyh

Re: Chooks

Posted: 04 Nov 2014, 08:51
by TomDeGraaff
Chooks (not roosters!) are all-round great! Scrap-eaters, pets, fertilisers, food producers, feathers, eggshells. Every birdo should have them.

The only downside I can think of is the risk of blackhead to pheasants and, I presume, true quail and partridge.

I got a couple of red jungle fowl :)

Re: Chooks

Posted: 04 Nov 2014, 12:51
by willy
I have Plymouth Rocks, Turkeys and Guinea Fowl.

Re: Chooks

Posted: 04 Nov 2014, 13:10
by finches247
I have a mixed flock of Araucana,Australorps,Silkies and Red Shavers and also some Red Legged Partridges.

Re: Chooks

Posted: 08 Nov 2014, 19:27
by Niki_K
I'm very keen to get some chooks (a silky and at least one araucana), but it's a tough sell to my partner! I may just go get some and set up a chook house one day while he's at work 8-)

Re: Chooks

Posted: 09 Nov 2014, 05:19
by Tiaris
3 isa brown hens here too. Genuine egg factories.

Re: Chooks

Posted: 09 Nov 2014, 07:52
by Painted4
We've got 1 Rhode Island Red, 5 Isa Browns, and 4 Araucanas....Plus 2 Khaki Campbell and 2 Indian Runner ducks....Its so much better having eggs from home.

Re: Chooks

Posted: 09 Nov 2014, 09:49
by BluJay
A friend quit her job, sold her house, and is going traveling. I'm adopting her 3 chickens and madarian ducks. Looking forward to having them.
I really like the Rhode Island reds. Not only prolific egg layers, but good on the table. Nothing like going out back and snatching a chicken. Can't get any fresher than that. Mmmm, now u want some chicken and dumplings.

Re: Chooks

Posted: 09 Nov 2014, 21:03
by Spitfire
Blu Jay.. I hope that you were pulling our collective legs when you were considering snatching a chicken out of your own backyard for the table.??? :shock: