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Bush ID

Posted: 24 May 2015, 16:28
by Isienfier
Hi all

Does anybody know what type of plant this is? I found it in one of our paddocks, and was curious whether it would be an idea to put in the aviaries? I thought it was best to find out what is was before though, in case it wasn't good for birds.
Thanks in advance


Re: Bush ID

Posted: 24 May 2015, 20:15
by Tiaris
Looks like a type of native rice flower (locals call our version tick bush) some of the horticultural types may be able to elaborate... VR1ton maybe?

Re: Bush ID

Posted: 25 May 2015, 17:16
by Red
To me, it actually looks like Rosemary.

Re: Bush ID

Posted: 26 May 2015, 10:10
by finchbreeder
I'm with Red, but a little different to the one in my garden.

Re: Bush ID

Posted: 26 May 2015, 18:59
by Tiaris
If it was growing in the paddock I presume its a local native. We have a shorter leaved rice flower here & in the nearby higher & colder country on the plateau there is a longer leaved one very much like the one pictured (Growing in similar climate to the one pictured too I reckon).

Re: Bush ID

Posted: 26 May 2015, 19:20
by Isienfier
Thanks for the resposes, im with Tiaris, and believe it is a rice flower.It seems the likely option, any opinion on whether the birds would like it in an aviary?

Re: Bush ID

Posted: 26 May 2015, 20:02
by Tiaris
I use my local rice flower as aviary plants in 2 of my breeding aviaries (which house fairy-wrens). It responds well to pruning by developing a dense bushy habit & being transplanted as juveniles from less than 50metres from the aviary they are obviously well-suited to my local conditions. Also have a nice burst of white flowers in Spring. Currently have a Redbrow nest in one containing large young & have previously had Diamonds nest in the same bush.

Re: Bush ID

Posted: 16 Nov 2015, 01:36
by Hancock
Hi Nic, the plant pictured is a cassinia. Grows well here in stanthorpe. Does well with an annual hard pruning. Grows rapidly. I used it in my pheasant aviaries once as cut brush not bad but lepto is better. Cheers Luke