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diamond firetails

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 17:03
by Pete Sara
does any one else here keep diamond firetails......pete

Re: diamond firetails

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 17:36
by gomer
yeah Pete,got three pair.

Re: diamond firetails

Posted: 18 Feb 2009, 15:46
by Pete Sara
hi gomer . do you keep yours as a colony or as pairs. i didn't have much luck this year with mine. i currently have 2 pair plus one in a colony all birds are un related . i did have three pair and the one i lost was the only definate male. always showing off his dancing skills. since then have had a lot of infertile eggs laid. so now iam going down the path of dna testing just to check to see what the buggers are its so frustrating they all look the same.because i don't want a repeat of this year ...pete.....

Re: diamond firetails

Posted: 18 Feb 2009, 19:04
by gomer
two years ago i had a colony,but only one dominate pair would breed.I had a deseise go through and wipe them out.I bought some more young last year, but have had no luck as yet.they are single pairs per avairy.i to am considering dna them.