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EIS re Mt Todd/Yinberee Hills NT

Posted: 22 Jun 2016, 17:47
by Tiaris
Had a couple of calls in the past 2 days from an environmental consultant doing an EIS for the Mt Todd Gold mining proposal in Gouldian habitat in NT. They want to compare data on Gouldian breeding at different sites around Australia to compare the effects of dust on Gouldian breeding. I told them that I thought dust was a deliberately benign variable to choose to study & they would be far more significantly effected by the activity causing dust at the proposed mine ie. blasting, frequent use of heavy machinery, etc. not to mention the loss of core breeding habitat by clearing the site for mining, roads, etc. I told them I would be happy to contribute any breeding data I had if the study was to help preserve the species but that I was fundamentally opposed to the proposed mining activity at that site due to the inevitable adverse effect on the wild Gouldian population so I will not contribute to a process whose over-riding aim is to help facilitate the approval of the mine. Just a heads up that if anyone else is contacted by the guy (Paul someone - nice bloke just doing his job) that it is likely not in the interests of the species' future survival to assist.

Re: EIS re Mt Todd/Yinberee Hills NT

Posted: 22 Jun 2016, 19:02
by Blue Cuban
Well said.... :thumbup:

Re: EIS re Mt Todd/Yinberee Hills NT

Posted: 22 Jun 2016, 19:51
by Brooksy
Thanks for sharing

Re: EIS re Mt Todd/Yinberee Hills NT

Posted: 22 Jun 2016, 20:17
by finchbreeder
The dust from the vacant block over the back does not effect my Gouldians. But the hoons in utes were till we got the Council to block their access. Wonder if they would like that information to consider.

Re: EIS re Mt Todd/Yinberee Hills NT

Posted: 22 Jun 2016, 20:24
by Craig52
Thanks for the heads up Tiaris :thumbup: