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grenadier weaver orange bishop difference

Posted: 18 Jan 2017, 10:56
by shnapper20
grenadier weaver, orange bishop difference. hi I tried googling an answer with some unclear results, the pics for the grenadier and the orange bishop both look the same. I assumed the the two weavers were the same with different names, however E Orix describes his weavers as different. My weavers are suppose to be grenadiers, however they are more orange in appearance than red. They are beautiful birds but maybe they arent grenadiers? I have attached pics of my 2 cocks.

Re: grenadier weaver orange bishop difference

Posted: 18 Jan 2017, 12:38
by E Orix
The difference is quite obvious when placed together.
The bird shown is a Grenadier Weaver or Southern Red Bishop.
Both species are Orange and Black (cockbirds) when in breeding feather.
Do not go by colour intensity, their colour can vary from light Orange to a
deep Orange nearly Red it depends on diet and quality of the bird.
The Orange Bishop or Northern Red Bishop is quite a bit smaller and lighter in colour
when in non breeding feather, less streaked on the chest.
After all that the cockbirds are easily recognised by where the Black is on the head.
Grenadier, Black above the beak and below the beak.
O'Bishop, Black above the beak and Orange under the beak
Out of colour harder ,but considerably smaller and less streaked on the chest
I will try and get some pictures posted.
The species also differ as aviary species, with the O'Bishop far less intrusive and
mixes better with small finches if you have to.

Re: grenadier weaver orange bishop difference

Posted: 18 Jan 2017, 13:06
by shnapper20
thank you David your a gem I was worried I had hybrids.