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Throwing out babies

Posted: 15 Feb 2017, 10:46
by kaypass
Just came out this morning and found 7 babies dead on the ground. My gouldians did this last season as well. Havent been brave enough to check how my emblemas are going. Does anyone know why finches do this? thanks

Re: Throwing out babies

Posted: 15 Feb 2017, 13:53
by vettepilot_6
Too hot for young and they bail...not enough nests sites (min 2 per pair)... fingers in nests....over zealous males..not enough hens...overcrowding. ...incorrect diet. ..stress. ..just a few to start with :think:

Re: Throwing out babies

Posted: 15 Feb 2017, 16:59
by Craig52
Agree all of the above, the main one being having enough foods for the adults to feed their young at day break. Remembering that they have gone without being fed for many hours hence the chance of dying in the nest over night and the adults throw them out.
Make sure they have more than enough rearing foods late in the afternoon so they can be stuffed with food before dark and some left for the parents to feed on early in morning.
This is a must do if you are feeding livefoods as is it feeding soft foods like sprouted/soaked seed and seeding grasses. Craig

Re: Throwing out babies

Posted: 15 Feb 2017, 22:01
by toothlessjaws
I have little success with my birds rearing young unless they get 2 feeds of livefood per day. one in the morning before i go to work, and one when i get home an hour or two before dusk. As per Craig's advice, i feed enough to ensure the birds have some food left in the morning before i get up and theoretically have live food available at all times.

anything less and they toss chicks.