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Parrot suggestions

Posted: 05 Mar 2017, 20:44
by Lindabear66
Hi, I'm new to the forum, I have owned canaries most of my life, and still have one old bird.

I got an aviary for Christmas, it is a Steel Chief and is 1.5m x .700 m.
Just wondering what would go okay in it?

I'm not interested in breeding so have been looking at getting either two males or two females. I love birds and have been looking at Red Rumps but keep coming back to Kakariki's as they are lovely.
I just want something that is easy to care for.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what would be good for a beginner?

Thank you

Re: Parrot suggestions

Posted: 05 Mar 2017, 21:38
by vettepilot_6
Any of the neophemas. ..bourke...turquoisine...scarlet

Re: Parrot suggestions

Posted: 05 Mar 2017, 23:10
by elferoz777
I agree with the above.

Some other foreign species are just as easy but more pricey.

Re: Parrot suggestions

Posted: 06 Mar 2017, 08:01
by E Orix
I am a Finch person but if I was to keep one specie of parrot that have character I would choose
Kakarikis or Blue Bonnets but you may need a licence for BB's
Both will interact with you and active

Re: Parrot suggestions

Posted: 06 Mar 2017, 14:07
by finchbreeder
As you only have a quite small avairy, you need a less active type. Maybe weerios, they can be very quiet and easily learn to sit on your shoulder and 2 cocks will hapily co-exist.

Re: Parrot suggestions

Posted: 06 Mar 2017, 20:55
by Lindabear66
Thanks for the suggestions

I am looking at the neophemas just need to find two males, i like the turqs and scarlets. I also love the red rumps and was considering two males.

Re: Parrot suggestions

Posted: 06 Mar 2017, 23:17
by finchbreeder
Two redrumps in an avairy twice that length would be almost big enough. They are very active flyers and are miserable if they do not have lots of flying space. My dad used to breed them way back when.

Re: Parrot suggestions

Posted: 22 Mar 2017, 10:13
by Lindabear66
I endd up getting two scarlet chested parrots they seem to be very similiar to the turks.
What are the main differences?

Re: Parrot suggestions

Posted: 22 Mar 2017, 10:35
by Shane Gowland
Scarlets, at least in my experience, are a lot softer than turks and don't tolerate cold weather as well.

Other than that, their care requirements are virtually identical.

Re: Parrot suggestions

Posted: 22 Mar 2017, 12:37
by elferoz777
These look great. Good luck with them