Moxi Plus Dosage Rates

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Today I noticed my memory isn't too crash hot and for the life of me, I couldn't think of the dosage rates for moxidecton.
Could someone please mention correct dosing amounts for water and alternate uses. My hen star is tucking her head so want to be safe then sorry.
Also, could someone point out the main reasons why birds do tuck their head under wing? Would be much appreciated.
Edit: after some searching, it seems an appropriate dosage is 5ml to 1ltr, but I believe that is for 2mg/ml and I have 1mg/ml. Will this make much of a difference?
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FinchLover1999 wrote: 18 May 2017, 15:12 Today I noticed my memory isn't too crash hot and for the life of me, I couldn't think of the dosage rates for moxidecton.
Could someone please mention correct dosing amounts for water and alternate uses. My hen star is tucking her head so want to be safe then sorry.
Also, could someone point out the main reasons why birds do tuck their head under wing? Would be much appreciated.
Edit: after some searching, it seems an appropriate dosage is 5ml to 1ltr, but I believe that is for 2mg/ml and I have 1mg/ml. Will this make much of a difference?
Increase your 1mg/ml to 10ml/Ltr of water for moxi "straight only" but if contains praziquantal use it as 5ml/Ltr of water for 3 days. Also as a dob on use 2 drops on the bare skin on the back of the neck or on the bare patch under the wing pit.
Sure sign some thing is wrong if your bird is tucking its head under its wing during the day, check the vent for any unusual signs of dark coloured diarea, this could be a sign of coccidiosis especially if your aviaries are continually wet at this time of the year.
Baycox @ 3ml/Ltr for 3 days is very affective.
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Brought the star inside today so I could see if there was diarea. It seems there is diarea but is considerably light. Would this still classify for cocci? Am only giving moxi atm due to no baycox.
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FinchLover1999 wrote: 19 May 2017, 13:26 Brought the star inside today so I could see if there was diarea. It seems there is diarea but is considerably light. Would this still classify for cocci? Am only giving moxi atm due to no baycox.
Yes it won't hurt to dose it and all your birds for coccidia If your aviary is wet you will need to rectify that by enclosing the wet area's. Craig
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Thank you Craig for the replies.
Saving for a new aviary altogether mate. Aviary is near on the end of its life! :thumbdown:
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