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Before and After.

Posted: 28 Dec 2019, 09:42
by collector_and_buyer
This is what happens when a couple of your mongrel lambs get into your house paddock when you are away for a couple of days.
They chewed most of my young trees and munched the roses,not to mention what they did to my fruit trees.
A set back for the trees as they were doing really well.
Aviaries will be between the trees and will be 12mt x 5mt with a 3mt walkway between them.
Roses etc might sweeten them yummy lambs up for the barbie.

Re: Before and After.

Posted: 28 Dec 2019, 11:32
by finchbreeder
We had a pet rabbit - not your little dwarf type, he was a meat rabbit by full size lop x - and he got to my roses and pruned them one weekend when we were away. They florished and flowered better than ever after that. So I can only hope the unexpected "pruning" is as good for your greenery as it was for mine.